First session of the 2016-2017 cycle seminar Écritures Numériques et Éditorialisation - Bruno Bachimont

Bruno Bachimont will participate at the first session of the "Écritures numériques et Éditorialisation 2016/2017" seminar with the conference "De l'éditorialisation à l"éditorialisation. 2007-2017".

Starting from 2000 scholars begin to use the terme editorialisation. In 2007, Bruno Bachimont gives the specific definition of a processus of redocumentation of resources in a digital context and links it to the documentational practices context, specifically in the audiovisual archives field.

How has this notion enriched or shifted ten years later? In which is this term still operational? Is its inscription in the documentary univers to be rethought?

We have invited Bruno Bachimont to come back with us on the history of editorialisation concept and idea, in order to interrogate it on what is called "the variance economy at the digital era" and to to better define the the fields to be explored.

The Écritures numériques et éditorialisation seminar, that takes place between Montréal and France, is organized by Louise Merzeau, Servanne Monjour, Nicolas Sauret, Michael Sinatra, Jérôme Valluy, Marcello Vitali-Rosati, and Gérard Worsmer. This year it is organized in collaboration with the Sens Public revue, the University of Montréal Canada research chair on digital textualities, the Dicen-IDF lab, and CRIHN. It was created in 2009 in cooperation with the Invisu (INHA-CNRS) lab, then with the Research and innovation Institute, and it has been found by MSH-Paris Nord.

The session recording is available on the Chair account.