Colloquium ACFAS 2017 « La publication savante en contexte numérique »

After a first ACFAS congress of Centre de Recherche Interuniversitaire sur les Humanités Numériques (CRIHN) in 2014, the objective of our 2017 congress is to rethink from a theoretiical and practical point of view the scholarly publishing in digital age.

It has become a cliché to point out that digital has invaded all spheres of knowledge production and diffusion, just as it has invaded the entire structure of society. All of the expertise and activities around uses, documents and digital cultures that have been developed over the last twenty years are constantly gaining momentum in all knowledge disciplines. Our research activities are now part of a digital environment that is not without consequences on the nature of the research itself, its objects, methods and results. However, most projects (databases, new publishing platforms, research and analysis tools, etc.) remain mostly isolated from each other, especially in the humanities. The central theme of our conference is to identify the changes brought about by the digital in the field of knowledge production and dissemination in the humanities. More precisely, we will study how the digital world causes a rearrangement of devices for the production and diffusion of knowledge and contents in human science through scholarly publishing.


This congress, organized by CRIHN, is founded by the Département de littératures et langues du monde and by the Canada Research Chair of Digital Textualities.