Écritures numériques et éditorialisation - 2017-2018 Seminar Series

The previous cycles of the seminar focused on articulating the notion of editorialization with different digital publishing practices, questioning both the production and dissemination of knowledge (archives, libraries, scholarly publishing) and journalism or the major web platforms.

By recurrently illuminating the links between space, environment and editorialization, these sessions came to question the recent work of definition and conceptualization of editorialization. For Marcello Vitali-Rosati, "editorialization refers to all the dynamics that produce and structure the digital space. These dynamics are the interactions of individual and collective actions with a particular digital environment". In this definition, editorialization contributes to the structuring of the digital space and therefore to the very conditions of knowledge construction, in a way similar to what Jeffrey Schnapp conceptualized with knowledge design. Louise Merzeau, for her part, showed the link between editorialization and the arrangement of transitional environments, which she associates with a support environment and the transmedia environment.

«In addition to reintroducing time sedimented in the collaborative gesture, this "applicative stellar" highlights the transmediatic structure of the environment in which the forms of participation are now called to practice. [...] Between media and toolbox, this "environment-support" (Zacklad, 2013) marks the advent of specifically digital writing-reading practices, where we see the mark of a digital culture in the process of to be constituted."

By articulating it with the notions of environment, space, territory, ecosystem, we will seek to determine how editorialization can better understand this "digital culture".

Our theoretical exploration will thus invest two fields of study:

  • environment, ecosystem, milieu
  • territory, space, architecture

We wish to propose a formula in workshops, inviting the participants of the seminar to a proactive work of annotation collaborative around a corpus of recent texts. It will be a question of putting these texts in perspective with the theory of the editorialization and to register this one in a thought of the medium and the space "as a possible prospect for a refoundation of the collective in the era of the networks ".

In particular, we will focus on shedding light on the work that Louise Merzeau has left us, and thus continue the ever luminous and inspiring contribution of our colleague. Each field will be closed by a conference session.


Field environment, ecosystem, milieu

  • 13th November 2017: atelier 1. Organizers : Nicolas Sauret & Gérard Wormser
  • 4th December 2017: atelier 2. Organizers : Servanne Monjour & Matteo Treleani
  • 23rd January 2018: atelier 3. Organizers : Chloé Girard & Jérôme Valluy
  • 13th March 2018: Thierry Bardini lecture. Pour une médiologie critique : Prémisses d’une archéologie médiatique du temps réel

This contribution proposes to articulate a critical mediology around three central concepts: mode / modality / modulation, recursion, and formal cause. However, the sense of "criticism" mobilized here does not refer exclusively to that associated with the founding works of the Frankfurt School. In fact, it is rather a question of referring to the meaning that thermodynamics gives to this term: for this term, a critical state corresponds to a second-order phase transition, where, at the critical point, we can not distinguish the two phases of the body affected by the phase transition (Bardini 2014). The introduction of this vocabulary inherited from physics follows the intuitions of Gilbert Simondon (1958, 2005), which will be here to update.

This consists of reassessing and completing his ontogenetic model by the light of contemporary phenomena that he certainly could not be aware of. In particular, it is necessary to ask to what extent the contemporary media ecology needs to be updated by the introduction of two distinct, but more and more miscible modes of existence, to qualify the forms of life (vital individuations). psychic and collective): analogous and numerical modes of existence. The critical state of contemporary media ecology that particularly concerns me is precisely the moment when the analogical and numerical phases or modalities of our lives mingle and merge into one reality. While we still think reality as likely to be "virtual" or "augmented" by the technological means of a panoply of computerized media, it seems to me crucial to wonder about the particular space-time and the singular interlacing presence and absence that these media devices make possible.

Field territory, space, architecture

  • 10th April 2018 : atelier 4. Organizers : Emmanuel Château-Dutier & Enrico Agostini Marchese
  • 15th May 2018 : atelier 5. Organizers : Marcello Vitali-Rosati & Évelyne Broudoux

Organizers : Nicolas Sauret, Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Marta Severo, Evelyne Broudoux

The seminar is organized jointly by the Canada Research Chair on digital textualities and the Dicen-IDF (thematic "Editorialization, Documentarisation, Traceability").