Tim Fulford Lecture : Picturing the Picturesque Tour; or, Making a Digital Edition of an Early 19th-century MS

Tim Fulford will discuss how he developed a digital edition of one of the earliest examples of what we now recognise as a tourist genre — the tour journal, sketchbook and scrapbook made by an early participant in Britain’s first organised tour. Robert Bloomfield’s Banks of Wye is a multi-media collection of texts, some private, some public, that tells us much about the relationship of aesthetics to the MS and print cultures, and to the nascent tourist industry, of nineteenth-century Britain. Fulford will give a virtual tour of the edition, and talk through some of the problems he solved in creating it.

Professor Fulford’s research lies in the area of literature in the Romantic era, in the contexts of colonialism, exploration, science, landscape, the picturesque, religion. He has published many articles and books on these topics, featuring such writers as William Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, Robert Bloomfield, Mary Robinson, William Cowper, Jane Austen and John Clare. Professor Fulford is currently preparing scholarly editions of the letters of Robert Southey and of Humphry Davy. His next monograph will be a study of the Late Poetry of the Lake Poets.