Symposium CRIHN 2018: Thinking Digital Humanities Anew

During the Open Acces international week, the CRIHN will celebrate its five years with an international symposium on the subjet: "Thinking Digital Humanities Anew » under the direction of Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier, Enrico Agostini-Marchese, Cecily Raynor, and Michael E. Sinatra. The symposium will be held at the Carrefour des Arts et des Sciences of the University of Montréal.

Keynote speakers:

Eric Gidal (University of Iowa, USA); Anatoliy Gruzd (Canada Research Chair in Social Media Data Stewardship, Ryerson University, Canada); Fatiha Idmhand (Université de Poitiers, France); Elika Ortega (Northeastern University, USA); Marcello Vitali-Rosati (Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les écritures numériques, Université de Montréal, Canada)

Since 2013, the CRIHN is engaged, through several projects, in a reflection over the two principal aims that motivate this first international symposium:

On the practices plan: take stock of existing experiences by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of tools and platforms; experiment with the use of excavation and visualization tools; integrate these tools into ongoing and developing projects;

At the theoretical level: to understand the impact of digital technology on the process of production and circulation of knowledge; define new reading / writing models for the humanities; deploy new content validation systems and foster new relationships between researchers, scientific communities and society.

With the change of media, publication methods, mechanisms of visibility, access to information and circulation of content, it is the whole of our relationship to knowledge that is challenged. It is now part of a circular dynamic closely associating production, circulation and validation of knowledge.

The call for papers for the conference "Repenser les humanités numériques / Thinking the Digital Humanities Anew" is based on the three axes of CRIHN's scientific programming built around the fundamental question of the transformation of human sciences by the digital humanities:

  • Axis 1: Production - Digital Writing and Editorialization
  • Axis 2: Circulation - Digitization and recontextualization
  • Axis 3: Validation - Legitimization of contents

We are soliciting communication proposals in French or in English relating to work in progress or work completed in relation to these three areas. Topics may include the following topics:

  • electronic editions;
  • transformation of scholarly scientific publications;
  • new forms of editorialization;
  • digital museology;
  • history of digital visual art and culture;
  • linguistics and computer translation;
  • analysis of digital social networks;
  • geographic information system;
  • visualization and interfaces;
  • digital humanism;
  • digital sociology;
  • free access policy;
  • pedagogy of the digital humanities;
  • cyberinfrastructures;
  • digital environmental studies.

Organizing committee:

Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier (Professor of Digital Museology at the University of Montreal); Enrico Agostini-Marchese (Ph.D. student in French Litterature at the University of Montreal); Cecily Raynor (Professor of Hispanic Studies at McGill University); Michael E. Sinatra (Professor of English Literature at the University of Montreal and Founding Director of CRIHN).