Écritures numériques et éditorialisation - 2018-2019 Seminar Series

The Écritures numériques et éditorialisation Seminar resumes its annual cycle on the theme "Architectures and Knowledge".

We live in a digital space: the places we inhabit are structured by the hybridization of relationships between connected objects and unconnected objects and it is no longer possible to separate the digital environment from the rest of our living spaces. The digital writings - the set of inscriptions that constitute the digital environments, whether texts, images, databases, algorithms ... - have somehow an architectural function. The editorialization is the set of dynamics that structure and organize these writings, it thus proceeds from an architectural gesture.

Based on these hypotheses - which are the results of the seminar's work in recent years - we want to examine the nature of architectures in the digital age. What spaces do we inhabit? How can we interpret them? What theories of architecture could help us better understand these spaces?

An architectural analysis of contemporary spaces must take into account both the organization of unconnected and connected objects and must therefore be concerned at the same time with organizations of pre-digital architectural elements - walls, windows, doors, roads, gardens - and digital: protocols, formats, platforms. How do the digital protocols - from TCP / IP to HTTP, to the protocols of instant messaging applications or Wikis - participate in the organization and layout of the world we inhabit? What values ​​and visions of the world do they bear?

To raise these themes, we would like to invite both experts in the digital domain, but also specialists in other forms of architecture, from architecture to engineering…

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