2019 Canadian Society for Digital Humanities congress

The Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (http://csdh-schn.org/) invites scholars, practitioners, and graduate students to submit proposals for papers, panels, and digital demonstrations for its annual meeting, which will be held at the 2019 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of British Columbia, from June 2-4 (https://www.congress2019.ca/). We encourage submissions on all topics relating to both theory and practice in the evolving field of the digital humanities. The opening plenary will be delivered by Professor Deb Verhoeven. The conference will close with a plenary delivered by Victor Temprano. Deb Verhoeven, currently Associate Dean of Engagement and Innovation at the University of Technology Sydney, will be joining the University of Alberta as a Canada 150 Chair in April 2019. Deb has been called Australia’s “most innovative academic,” and is a leading scholar in the field of gender and cultural informatics. Victor Temprano is a programmer and developer engaged in many activist projects. He runs Mapster, a Vancouver-based company specializing in interactive maps. In 2015, Victor created Native-Land.ca, a website which visualizes Indigenous territories, languages, and treaties, originally in Canada and now increasingly worldwide. Native-Land.ca has achieved notoriety through social media and is frequently used as a teaching tool. 2019 Program committee: Barbara Bordalejo (program chair), Megan Meredith Lobay (local organizer), Kim Martin, Susan Brown, Lai-Tze Fan, François Dominic Laramée, and Luis Meneses.

Several chair members will participate with presentation. Look at the program for further information.