CRIHN Summer School in Digital Humanities 2020


The main objective of this fifth summer school is to familiarize students with digital humanities. Field that has widely developed over the last twenty years, and is a very broad field characterized by a strong interdisciplinarity. In the current debate, there is an attempt not to think of the digital humanities as a discipline, but rather as a holistic, transdisciplinary approach, with an attitude and perspective on research that should involve all humanities and social science researchers. Far from being a mere technological development that only impacts the process of research and data visualization in the human and social sciences, the digital humanities lead us to rethink the very meaning of research and, consequently, the entire model of knowledge production and circulation in the age of digital publishing.

Participants in this summer school will be introduced to the history and critical theories needed to understand this theme, which is revolutionizing disciplines in the humanities, as well as to the practical aspects of the production and exploitation of digitized documents (electronic publishing, exploitation of social networks in an academic context, geographical representations, tools for the analysis and visualization of texts, etc.).

This course will give students in the social sciences and humanities, regardless of their research topic, access to a field of specialization that is already well established in the rest of North America. Today, new research tools, including methods of accessing and visualizing data, are resonating in many disciplines in the humanities and social sciences under the term digital humanities. They promote a multiplicity of approaches that force the literary to recontextualize, which is also in line with the current reconfiguration of the humanities in general. This course may therefore also be of interest to students in several graduate programs (including literature, information science, history, communication, art history and film studies, philosophy and sociology). Students will be led to reflect on their conceptions of the humanities in an academic environment that is being redefined by new technologies.

The school is organized in collaboration with the UdeM Faculty of Arts and Science and can be credited at the master's/master's or doctoral level as PLU6113-A (3 credits), with or without evaluations. The school may also be credited for a bachelor's student who has already completed at least 60 credits with an average of more than 3.5. Enrolment is subject to the approval of the director of the program in which the student is enrolled.

The summer school is organized with the collaboration of the Centre de recherche sur les humanités numériques and the project Littérature québécoise mobile.

Due to the coronavirus situation, the school format is changing this year. It will be given remotely over a period of 3 weeks..


  • To familiarize students with the general concepts of the digital humanities;
  • Identifying the technical/practical aspect of the digital humanities;
  • To deepen the different types of analytical approaches in order to grasp their complexity;
  • Apply concepts and analytical approaches to different disciplines in the social sciences and humanities.


The school is structured around a series of lectures in synchronous and asynchronous. Each of the six synchronous speakers will give a 90-minute lecture followed by a period on 45′ devoted to questions and discussions about the required readings and the lecture itself (see program below). The asynchronous lectures will be available for viewing between June 8 and 29.


The CERIUM website contains all the information to register for the school.


Marcello Vitali-Rosati (CRC on Digital Textualities, UdeM) video : « Introduction aux humanités numériques »

Synchronous Conference #1, Monday, June 1

Synchronized Lecture #2, Wednesday, June 3

  • 2pm-2.15pm: Michael E. Sinatra, presentation
  • 2h15pm-3.45pm : Emmanuel Château-Dutier (Digital museology, UdeM) — "Digital Art History"
  • 3.45pm-4.30pm : Question and discussion time

Synchronized Lecture #3, Monday, June 8

  • 2pm-2.15pm: Michael E. Sinatra, presentation
  • 14h15-15h45 : Dominic Forest (École biblioéconomie et sciences de l’information, U de Montréal) — « La fouille de texte : Pourquoi et comment »
  • 3.45pm-4.30pm : Question and discussion time

Synchronized Lecture #4, Wednesday, June 10

  • 2pm-2.15pm: Michael E. Sinatra, presentation
  • 2.15pm-3.45pm : Vincent Larivière (CRC on Scholarly Communication Transformations, UdeM) — « Les transformations des modes de production et de diffusion des connaissances à l’ère numérique »
  • 3.45pm-4.30pm : Question and discussion time

Synchronized Lecture #5, Monday, June 15

  • 2pm-2.15pm: Michael E. Sinatra, presentation
  • 2.15pm-3.45pm: Marcello Vitali-Rosati (Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les écritures numériques, U de Montréal) — « Le concept d’éditorialisation »
  • 3.45pm-4.30pm : Question and discussion time

Synchronized Lecture #6, Wednesday, June 17

Asynchronous conferences

  • Marta Boni (Études cinématographiques, U de Montréal) : « Le désir comme tension narrative dans quelques séries télé contemporaines » (conference HN 2020 summer school, available from June 8 for three weeks)
  • Bruno Bureau (U de Lyon) : « Un exemple d’édition critique et analytique: le projet HyperDonat » (CRIHN Lecture)
  • Jason Camlot (Études anglaises, Concordia U) et Jared Wiercinski et Tomasz Neugebauer (Bibliothèque, Concordia U) : « Le projet SpokenWeb » (CRIHN Lecture)
  • Dominique Cardon (SciencesPo, Paris) : « Politique des algorithmes : quatre familles de métriques de l’information sur le web » (CRIHN Lecture)
  • Olivier Charbonneau (Bibliothèque, Concordia U) : « Droit et accès libre » (conference HN 2020 summer school, available from June 8 for three weeks)
  • Katherine Cook (Anthropoloigie, U de Montréal) : « Un outillage futur pour retrouver le passé : Archéologie numérique et les méthodologies de décolonisation et d'inclusion » (conference HN 2020 summer school, available from June 8 for three weeks)
  • Chad Gaffield (Histoire, U d'Ottawa) : « Histoire et humanités numériques : Une histoire contestée, un présent fragmenté et un avenir à construire » (CRIHN Lecture)
  • Olivier Le Deuf (U de Bordeaux Montaigne) et Stéfan Sinclair (McGill U) : « Une perspective historique des humanités numériques / digitales » (CRIHN Lecture)
  • Sophie Marcotte (Études françaises, Concordia U) : « Éditer des manuscrits littéraires : le cas de Gabrielle Roy » (conference HN 2020 summer school, available from June 8 for three weeks)
  • Dominique Trudel (Communication, U du Québec à Chicoutimi) : « Les humanités numériques au prisme de la remédiation » (conference HN 2020 summer school, available from June 8 for three weeks)