Symposium Digital Humanities - Reception and transmission of Marcello Vitali-Rosati's works

For the second edition of the symposium Digital Humanities, the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme en Brétagne welcomes Marcello Vitali-Rosait, professor at the department of French Literatures at the University of Montreal and chairholder of the Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities. He is one of the most important thinker of the editorialization, subject that constitutes the theoretical axis of this day

Defined as the ensemble of the dinamics whose objective is to produce and to structure the digital space, editorialization mobilizes many concepts that are at the heart of Marcello Vitali-Rosati's works : authority, editorial practices, digital identity, virtuality and knowledge dissemination on the Web.

Marcello Vitali-Rosati will give as well the keynote conference: Thinking editorialization: for a general theory of the digital space.

For further informations, please visite the seminar website.