Workshop in writing tools for social sciences and humanities

The CRC on Digital Textualities, in collaboration with the BLSH team, is delivering two workshops on writing tools for the social sciences and humanities.

Workshop 1: Writing a text and a bibliography using Markdown and Stylo text editor (level 1)

This workshop, intended for undergraduate students in classical studies, philosophy or literature, aims to explore the basics of the Markdown language, the Stylo text editor and the free software Pandoc. At the end of the workshop, the student will be able to produce a written work and a bibliography using these tools. A basic knowledge of the bibliographic software Zotero is desirable (see the following video clip before the workshop:

Tutors: Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Christian Raschle, and Nino Gabrielli

Date and time: February 28, 2020, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Local 2074


Workshop 2: Digital Tools in Research and Writing: A Workshop for Graduate Students

The Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities and the Social Sciences and Humanities Library offer graduate students a workshop on digital tools in research and writing. This day will provide an opportunity to become familiar with digital tools and good practices in grading, writing and bibliographic management. At the same time, it will highlight the need to organize information semantically in the digital environments of knowledge creation and dissemination. Tools/languages/formats addressed: zotero, markdown, html, xml, teX, pen, pandoc.

Tutors: P. Martinolli, N. Sauret, and M. Vitali-Rosati

Date and time: Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Location: Local 3091

Bring your own laptop.
