Roundtable for the 2020 CSDH/SCHN congress : Journals in the digital age

As part of the 2020 CSDH/SCHN congress, which was held virtually because of the COVID-19 related situation, the CRC organized a roundtable entitled Journals in the digital age: thinking new models of publishing in the social sciences and humanities.

In his short story Wearable books, Michael Pidd proposes a dystopian academic world where digital publishing technologies have become a system for controlling, tracing and standardizing research and the epistemological models on which it is based. In this world Pidd imagines revolutionary academics who, in order to guarantee freedom of thought and the possibility of the existence of several research paradigms, decide to return to paper. Indeed, if at the beginning of its development, the Web seemed the promise of a space of plurality, differences and freedom of expression - let's not forget Barlow's declaration of independence of cyberspace in 2000 - today, largely due to the growing impact of GAFAM, we are witnessing a standardization of models and a concentration of power in the hands of a handful of companies. In the world of research this is manifested in a dominant language, crystallized formats, a sclerotic editorial chain, a problematic but questionable system of legitimization, and a growing importance, even in the humanities, of impact factors and quantitative methods for assessing the quality of research.

Would it be possible to go back to the promises of the beginnings of the Web ? How can we take advantage of the multiplicity of different technologies and digital spaces to make them the basis for free, plural and collective research and dissemination of knowledge ? This panel will ask this question by focusing in particular on the publishing practices of scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities, and by presenting the research results of the Journal 2.0 project we are conducting as part of a SSHRC partnership development funding. Trois chercheur·se·s exposent leurs pratiques d’édition scientifique et leur réflexion inhérente.

You can download the full paper here.

We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing. Our identities are writing – profiles, databases' entries, lines of code –, our actions are writing – from clicks to buying a book or planning a trip – the objects around us are made of writing. The Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualites aims to offer a new reading and a new understanding of this writing that now makes our world. On this site you will find all the projects led by Marcello Vitali-Rosati and his team, the publications of the Chair members and the description of all the theoretical concepts used for our research.
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