CCLA first meeting :

The CCLA group Matérialités comparatives : Médias, littérature et théorie / Comparative Materialities: Media, Literature, Theory proposes introductive working sessions around the issue of writing in the digital environment. These meetings will be an opportunity for discussion among the various participants. The first meeting “Questioning Inscription” will be held on October 2nd from 1pm to 2:30pm (Montreal time zone) and will be recorded (if you wish, you will be able to turn off your camera). The link of the meeting is the following: "

- Introduction & moderate discussion : briefly present the 3 sessions + present differences between Full text/format like plain text : show what a docx doc is really
- Material text/inscription & formats aren't neutral or free, how you writes matters in the product: Materiality Matters, examples of using API (ateliers, stylo export) by Antoine Fauchié and Marcello Vitali-Rosati - important to talk about text formats: full text as the lower knowledge model and then formats like docx ;
- Nature of text & mediation : how literature is describe/fluidity of text in digital age/question of representation, API, transfert Revisit Representation (representation of knowledge, what constitute knowledge and what constitute sources of knowledge) by Markus Reisenleitner ;
- Toolchain/publishing chain like Les Ateliers by Antoine Fauchié ;
talk about formats (semantics and graphics) : stylo export format : Formats make differents objects by Margot Mellet ; use the Markdown/Stylo tutorial: + ;
- Pratical exemple with zotero.

For further informations on thhis session: