Colloque Humanistica 2021

May 10: 4:00-4:45 pm (European time)
Oral communications: Second Crossing (Défteros ploús): news and developments from the Palatine Anthology digital collaborative publishing project

What can be the meaning of this epigram in the midst of the immensity of content that the Web offers us? What does it mean today to read a Hellenistic text (the author of this epigram is Meleager [1st century BC]) that has been handed down to us thanks to a 10th century manuscript? How can the reader contribute to the transmission of the epigram and to ensuring that this content continues to exist in the collective imagination to come?

It is to these questions that we have devoted the first phase of the Palatine Anthology Digital Collaborative Edition project - a project carried by the CRCEN1 and funded by SSHRC-Savoir2 - designed to enrich, enhance, and update this fragmentary classical corpus. The Palatine Anthology is a collection of more than 4,000 Greek epigrams from the Classical to the Byzantine periods (Cameron 1993). Considering the anthological object as both a specialized research object and a place of collective intelligence and imagination (Lévy 1994, 29; Doueihi 2011; Vitali-Rosati 2017), the project initially aimed to establish a space open in reading as well as writing to any user. It is possible to edit (establish a version, propose a translation, align version and translation), and document the epigram (add keywords, associate the epigram with external content).

May 10: 5:00-7:00 p.m. (European time)
Workshop and Training (Training Workshop 1)
Scientific writing and editing with the Stylo text editor

In this workshop, we will present how Stylo is used daily as a writing and editing tool for a scientific journal (Public Sense), and how it can be used by researchers and students, individually or collectively. Participants will have the opportunity to test and edit their own text in Pen. Stylo is currently used by a small and growing community, and has been available since 2020 as one of the services offered by the TGIR Huma-Num ( During the workshop, we also want to collect feedback on the tool: its interface, ergonomics and usability, but also on the scientific writing practices that Stylo could incorporate.

May 11: 2:00-5:00 pm (European time)
Working Group. Literature and the digital: the CCLA group's workshop sessions

The first sessions were successively devoted to the issues of writing (writing and materiality of the digital environment), semantic writing (with the Markdown lightweight markup language) and the text versioning system (with Git, a software commonly used in computer science). Presentations and recordings are available on the group's website:

May 12: 2:00-5:30 pm (European time)
Digital critical editions: languages, texts and fragments - Alessi Robert, CNRS UMR 8167 "Orient & Méditerranée" (Paris) - Marcello Vitali-Rosati, University of Montreal

The great collections of printed critical editions have determined since the nineteenth century the standards of quality in the wake of which it now seems natural that digital editions should follow. However, digital editions offer two major advantages: they provide texts from which it is possible to carry out research, correlations or data extractions, and they offer free access while respecting the intellectual property of the publishers. However, scientific rigor and the presence of a critical apparatus are not enough: to take an example here, the strict encoding - and not facsimile - of the data does not allow to naturally produce critical apparatuses such as those that the great scholars got used to reading in Latin. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that the rigor of encoding produces elements that are certainly invisible but extremely valuable, such as the precise encoding of textual variants, the segmentation of texts given in different languages, the contextual elements of fragments, and even the correlation of technical terms from one language to another. The debate will focus on the definition of these standards, which are not easy to achieve today in digital editions, as well as on the methods and languages to be implemented and learned in order to reach them. An attempt will also be made to measure what influence data encoding methods have on the presentation to the reader of the various critical note devices.

May 12: 4:00-4:30 pm (European time)
Using the Pen tool in the context of Public Sense

The fact of a dialogue within the scientific discourse itself between the author and other publishing actors modifies the perception and editorial practices within the journal to foster a sense of work that, beyond being common, is part of an open collective and in the (re)knowledge between the individuals of this collective and between the different practitioners of Stylo. It seems crucial to us to present, in the context of a paper, a feedback of the use of this tool for the edition of the journal Sens public while contextualizing its creation and use in the objective of a scientific conversation (Sauret 2018).

The full program is available on the conference website.