Debug your humanities - Canada Research Chair in Digital Writing Training

Session 01 - 2022-01-14 - SETTING UP YOUR TERMINAL

Installing ZSH and Oh My ZSH, changing the appearance. Discovering the advanced features offered by ZSH. Browsing through the history.

Session 02 - 2022-01-28 - CODE AND TEXT EDITORS

Nano, Vim, EMACS and VSCodium, exploring the possibilities offered by different approaches.


Discovering Bash, creating some scripts, overview of Make.

Session 04 - 2022-02-25 - ACTIONS TO REPEAT

Batch file renaming and other programming introductions.

Session 05 - 2022-03-11 - SSH AND REMOTE CONNECTIONS

How to get in touch with other machines, alone or with others.

Session 06 - 2022-03-25 - SAFEGUARDING YOUR DATA

Reminders of how a computer works, basic principles of redundancy, use of Rsync.

Session 07 - 2022-04-08 - GIT THE RETURN

Actual usage, SSH key configuration, conflict management and merge requests.

Session 08 - 2022-04-22 - MAKING WEB PAGES

Introduction à HTML et CSS, conversion à partir de Markdown avec Pandoc.

Séance 09 - 2022-04-29 - FABRIQUER DES SITES WEB

Introduction aux générateurs de site statique, création d'un mini site web depuis un modèle.

Séance 10 - 19-11-2021 - Imprimer des documents

Enregistrement de la séance.

Introduction à LaTeX : manipuler LaTeX, découverte de Paged.js

Séance 11 - 2022-05-13 - PANDOC EN MODE AVANCÉ

Rappels des usages possibles de Pandoc, découverte des filtres LUA.