First Stéfan Sinclair-CRIHN Conference

Michael Sinatra, Director of CRIHN, invites you to the first Stéfan Sinclair-CRIHN Lecture to be held on Monday, December 13 at the Carrefour des Arts et des Sciences of the Université de Montréal in the presence of Frédéric Bouchard, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Université de Montréal and Mary Hunter, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of McGill University.

Named in honor of Stéfan Sinclair, who was a founding member of CRIHN in 2013, this first annual lecture will be given by Kim Martin, Assistant Professor of History at the University of Guelph, and will be followed in the afternoon by a roundtable discussion on the impact of Stéfan's work.

The event will be attended on campus (with due regard for the health measures in place) and will be simulcast online. (The event is free but registration is required via Eventbrite).


11:00 a.m.: Welcoming remarks by Michael Sinatra, Director of CRIHN [bilingual]
. 11:10 a.m.: Welcoming remarks by Mary Hunter, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at McGill University [in English]
11:15 a.m.: First annual Stéfleuriscience conference [in French 11:15am: First Annual Stéfan Sinclair-CRIHN Lecture by Kim Martin (U Guelph) "Seeing Things Through" [in English]
12:45pm: Lunch Break (in French) 12:45 pm: Lunch break (meals provided) 2:00 pm: Bilingual roundtable on the impact of Stéfan Sinclair's work with Susan Brown (U Guelph), Geoffrey Rockwell (U Alberta), Diane Jakacki (Bucknell U) and Stéphane Pouyllau (CNRS, HN Lab)
3:30 pm: Closing remarks 15:30: Closing remarks by Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Deputy Director of CRIHN [bilingual]

This event is organized in association with
the Carrefour en culture et création numériques of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Université de Montréal McGill DH
Huma-Num (as part of the agreement with CRIHN).