Écrans: dedans dehors

Screens. Inside, Outside aims to to explore both through theory and through an artistic practice the modes of the modes of expression opened by the use of teleconference interfaces and their teleconference interfaces and their relationship to informational virality. It is part of the continuity of the conference "Confinement, virality and forms of life" which was held November 26 and 27, 2020 at La Générale and online on p-node radio.

While performance art is traditionally associated with the the constitution of a co-presence of the artist and the spectators or even has the to accentuate such modes of co-presence, teleconferencing interfaces of teleconference cross a spatial distance that it is no longer is no longer possible to want to erase, and different temporal shifts, to the even to the point of reminding it sometimes in their dysfunctions, like dysfunctions, following the example of Dan Graham's Delay Rooms. Indeed, contrary to the fantasy of the immediacy of a perpetual present that would allow the diffusion in real time, the interfaces, as soon as they appear in that they appear in the phenomenological space, forbid us to ignore the to ignore the difference and its specters. How can we play with it?

With Anne Alombert, Lucas Azémar, Nicolas Bailleul, Marie Baudoin, Jean-Louis Boissier, Guillaume Boissinot, Hortense Boulais-Ifrène, Olivier Bosson, Pierre Cassou-Noguès, Grégory Chatonsky, JR Carpenter, Marie B Cazeneuve, Yves Citton, Damien Charrieras, Charlotte Cherici, Frédéric Danos, Alix Desaubliaux, Judith Deschamps, Raphaële Jeune, Bertrand Gervais, Alice Lenay, Baptiste Loreaux, Eric Méchoulan, Arnaud Regnauld, RYBN, Jan Söffner, Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Seumboy Vrainom, Gwenola Wagon

Partners: Teamed EA4010, TransCrit EA1569, LLCP EA4008, AAP
Research, Paris 8 University.
University Research School (EUR) ArTeC
La Générale Paris

Links to follow the conference and other information at this address: http://virusland.org/colloque-2/