Conference "DH Unbound" by the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Canadian Society of Digital Humanities

Poster "The Stylo Workflow: Writing and Editing With the Text Editor Stylo"
Presented by Antoine Fauchié and Margot Mellet

Poster "The Importance of Single-Source Publishing in Scientific Publishing"
Presented by Antoine Fauchié

Lightning Talk "Experimentation of Digital Open Peer Review for Social Science Journals in the 'Revue 2.0' Project"
Presented by Antoine Fauchié, Margot Mellet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati

Lightning Talk "Queer Writing 3.0"
Presented by Emmanuelle Lescouet

Long Talk "Diversity of Immersion Mechanics in Videoludic Novels"
Presented by Emmanuelle Lescouet and Pierre Gabriel Dumoulin