Carrefour de culture et création numériques roundtable

Stylo is a tool designed to rethink the writing and editing process of scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. As a WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) semantic text editor for the humanities, it strives to improve academic publication chains.

In order to give back to authors control over their texts, text structuration is put at the very beginning of the knowledge production process through the use of semantic tags. Unlike text processors such as Microsoft Word, Stylo strives to promote and encourage the use of standards thanks to its implementation of open protocols. Built on modular, low-tech and standardized tools and editing formats, such as Markdown, BibTeX, Pandoc, and LaTeX, Stylo integrates the best Web writing and publishing practices in a single interface. Because of its integration of formats and conversion technologies already used by the humanities community, it allows the free circulation of documents that are not limited to a single format. Stylo encompasses functions such as sharing, versioning, modification tracking, bibliography managing, annotation, multiformat exportation, authority-aligned metadata (LOC, Wikidata, ORCID...) and online semantic markup.