Corpus Liveshow 12-Hour Streaming: Boosting of the Repository of Digital Writings

Hello to all, At the beginning of the summer semester, we invite you to a festive online day to celebrate the new version of the Repository as well as its corpus!

The Repository of Digital Writings ( has been referencing works since 2018, focusing on atypical objects, on a broad and inclusive corpus of contemporary practices, without barriers of language or provenance of works. In 2021, the project got a facelift: the establishment of a common vocabulary within LQM (Littérature québécoise mobile) allowed us to refine our records. It is now crucial to continue this work!

Throughout the year, live broadcasts have allowed us to discover works and begin archiving work.

Now it's time to get the ball rolling, and invite you to join us for the first corpus exploration hackathon day on the repertoire's TWITCH channel: . On June 24, starting at 8 a.m. Montreal time (2 p.m. French time), you are all invited to share works: unseen, or already explored parts of the corpora!


All forms - however born digital - are welcome: audio or video literature, from networks, blogs, sites, apps or digital books, visual novels and interactive fictions, in virtual reality or augmented reality, by projection or on screen.

This hopefully dramatic increase in the corpus will make the data visualizations and study enabled by the Directory even more valuable.

Hope to see you soon! Emmanuelle Lescouet for the CRCEN's Directory of Digital Writing