Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Annual Conference

July 26, 2022, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (EST)
Workshop "Scholarly Writing and Editing With the Text Editor Stylo"
Hosted by Roch Delannay and Antoine Fauchié

July 27, 2022, 8:30 p.m. (EST)
Short presentation "States of the Text: Fixation, Legitimation and Multimodal Publication"
Presented by Antoine Fauchié

July 28, 2022
Electronic Poster "'Répertoire des écritures numériques': Archiving and Qualifying Electronic Literature"
Presented by Emmnauelle Lescouet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati
Electronic Poster "Electronic Literature: Thinking a Taxonomy"
Presented by Emmanuelle Lescouet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati

July 29, 2022, 8:30 p.m. (EST)
Short presentation "Between Interactive Fictions and Visual Novels: Diversity of Agency in Videoludic Novels"
Presented by Emmanuelle Lescouet and Pierre Gabriel Dumoulin