Fall 2022 Seminar of the Arcanes Research Group

Marcello Vitali-Rosati lecture: "Pour des environnements numériques contre-intuitifs, complexes et hétérogènes. La littératie numérique à l'épreuve des GAFAM" (For Counter-Intuitive, Complex and Heterogeneous Digital Environments: Digital Literacy Against the GAFAM)

Digital environments are now dominated by a handful of private companies that promise us intuitive, simple and neutral technologies that "solve" our problems without us having to ask too many questions and especially without us having to think too much. This rhetoric is at the root of a growing digital incompetence: we depend on the GAFAM, the GAFAM think for us. True digital literacy requires a radical questioning of this rhetoric: we must seek out counter-intuitive, complex and heterogeneous environments.