Colloquium "Le choix dans les cultures de l'imaginaire" (Choice in Speculative Cultures)

Blue pill or red pill? Neo makes his choice and accepts the consequences; but if viewers of The Matrix are forced to observe the consequences of this choice made by the character, they don't have to follow it, and can just as well imagine what the other side of the story would have been if Neo had not had the same opinion, or if they had been in his place.

This space of freedom presented here to the character as well as to the viewers is the very essence of choice, which could be defined as follows: namely, the result of the exercise of reason, tastes, or values, made with or without the knowledge of the multiple causes and consequences that it unites in a point of convergence.

As such, choice is an integral part of everyday experience, from political voting to consumer choices, from clothing choices to word choices. But it takes on a particular colouring in the realms of fiction, because it is lived vicariously there (Goffman, 1967; Di Filippo, 2016).


9 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.: In-person Welcome
9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Un choix dont vous êtes le héros (A Choice Where You're the Hero)
PLANÇON, Thomas: « Dieu ne joue pas aux dés » : la place du hasard dans les univers de l’imaginaire ("God Does Not Play Dice": Luck in Speculative Universes)
TARDY, Manon: « Atelier dont vous êtes le héros » (jeu de rôle sur Twine) ("Workshop Where You're the Hero" [roleplaying game on Twine])
12 p.m. - 2 p.m. : Lunch Break
2 p.m. - 3 p.m. : Interactivités multimodales (Multimodal Interactivies)
GIRARD, Bruno: De Smoking no-smoking d’Alain Resnais à Existenz de Cronenberg et l’épisode Black Mirror, « Bandersnatch » : l’alternative au cinéma (From Smoking no-smoking by Alain Resnais to Existenz by Cronenberg and the Black Mirror Episode "Bandersnatch": Alternative in Cinema)
LESCOUET, Emmanuelle: Choisir la voix : narrations arborescentes de science-fiction (Choosing the Voice: Branching Narratives of Science Fiction)
3:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.: Break
4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Choisir la rébellion ? (Choosing Rebellion?)
KLEIN, Victoria: Littérature environnementale et cultures de l’imaginaire : l’afrofuturisme au service de la cause écologique. Le personnage écologique dans Tè Mawon de Michael Roch (Environmental Literature and Speculative Cultures, Afrofuturism at the Service of the Ecological Cause: The Ecological Character in Tè Mawon by Michael Roch)
BRESSON, Jonathan: Dilemmes héroïques de la violence et de la rébellion (Heroic Dilemmas of Violence and Rebellion)