VocUM Conference

November 17-18, 2022
Yann Audin is co-president of the VocUM International Conference's 2022 Edition, organized by students of the Université de Montréal, all from different fields of study relating to language.

Calendar Days 2022-11-22


February 28 - March 1, 2023
Emmanuelle Lescouet co-hosts, from February 28 to March 1, 2023, at the Maison des Sciences et de l'Homme in Brittany, the colloquium "Entre science et magie : les savoirs dans les cultures de l'imaginaire" (Between

Calendar Days 2022-10-17

Invitation by the Building 21 Project of McGill University

November 7, 2022
The Building 21 Project of McGill University invites Marcello Vitali-Rosati, on November 7 at 1:30 p.m. (EST), to discuss artificial intelligence in the humanities. In person at Building 21, and online (link to come on the pro

Calendar Days 2022-10-17

Fall 2022 Seminar of the Arcanes Research Group

October 7, 2022
Marcello Vitali-Rosati and Nicolas Sauret are lecturing, on October 7, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (EST) on Zoom, as part of the fall 2022 seminar of the Arcanes Research Group, durin

Calendar Days 2022-09-19


October 27 to 29, 2022
The Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities holds, from October 27 to 29, 2022 in the Lionel-Groulx building of the University of Montreal, the symposium "Anthological Navigations: The Greek Anthology in the Era

Calendar Days 2022-09-19

Digital Humanities Conference Series

November 30, 2022
Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a talk, on November 30, 2022 at 11 a.m. (EST) on Jitsi, as part of a series of conferences on digital humanities organized by the Clermont-Auvergne Institute of Technology and the Lycée Jean Mon

Calendar Days 2022-09-19
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  "site_address_html": "<p>Universit&eacute; de Montr&eacute;al<br>Pavillon Lionel Groulx 8e &eacute;tage<br>Local C8041<br>3150, rue Jean Brillant<br>Montr&eacute;al (QC) H3T 1N8 Canada</p>",
  "site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
  "site_rights": "&copy; 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.",
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      "url": "https://stylo.huma-num.fr/"
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      "url": "https://www.sens-public.org/",
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      "label": "Revue 2.0",
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      "url": "https://revue20.ecrituresnumeriques.ca/"
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      "title": "VocUM Conference",
      "content_html": "<p>On November 17, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. (EST), Yann Audin gives a talk titled \"Documentaire : remédiation de l'archive en fiction\" (Documentaries: Remediation of Archives Through Fiction).</p>\r\n<p>According to Jacques Rancière, documentary is a particular fictional form; while maintaining an illusion of representation of reality, it uses the non-fictional archive to weave a narrative (Rancière 2001). The truth claims of documentary contribute to the invisibility of the artifices of intermediation between the \"direct\" capture of archival images (or other data) and fiction, the latter serving as a tool for rewriting reality. The bridge produced between several forms of information representation recalls Galloway's imperative that \"data have no necessary visual form\" (Galloway 2011), as narrative by its nature forms arbitrary links between its elements (Rancière 2001). At the same time, documentary produces a collapse of the distance between the viewer and the narrator: an overlay that facilitates a shift from the viewer's regime of truth to that of the audience assumed by the documentary filmmakers. The information-sharing purpose of documentary is supplanted by the deployment of political orientations and the normalization of a relationship to reality. Functionally, the documentary produces displacements, first in its material (from archive to fiction, from filmic methods to political tools), then in the spectators (displacement of the regime of truth, emotional reorientation).</p>\r\n<p>This presentation offers a theoretical framework for addressing the remediation of archival images in fictional form by mobilizing filmic principles (Hitchcock and Markle 2011), reception theory (Gibson 1950), and Foucault's concept of truth regime (Lorenzini 2013). The proposed approach highlights the epistemic dangers of propaganda and the importance of critical reading, whether negotiated or oppositional (Hall 1993). A fragment of a newscast is used as a case study to exemplify the use of this theoretical framework.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>November 17-18, 2022<br>Yann Audin is co-president of the VocUM International Conference's 2022 Edition, organized by students of the Université de Montréal, all from different fields of study relating to language.</h2>",
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      "slug": "stylo-developments-toward-new-xml-exports",
      "date_start": "2022-10-18",
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      "id": 1510,
      "events_id": 755,
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      "title": "Stylo Developments: Toward New XML Exports",
      "content_html": "<p>The semantic text editor for the humanities Stylo continues to evolve. This project, initiated and coordinated by the Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities and currently supported by Huma-Num, will include new export formats. Several researchers are meeting to work on XML export issues, including compatibility with the Métopes publishing chain and the OpenEdition publisher. Yves Marcoux, a specialist in XML and more specifically in XSLT transformation sheets, will participate in this exchange to bring his expertise.</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Stylo Platform",
          "url": "https://stylo.huma-num.fr/"
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>September 27, 2022<br>The text editor Stylo, developed by the Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities, is the object of new considerations.</h2>",
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      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/0q00FW5.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Stylo-Developments-Toward-New-XML-Exports",
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      "date_start": "2022-10-17",
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      "id": 1524,
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      "title": "Colloquium ",
      "content_html": "<p>When we think of science fiction and fantasy, we often come to oppose them through two of their matrix elements: science and magic. For all that, these two concepts, so evocative in this comparison, seem irrevocably linked in that they transfigure a key element of both genres: knowledge.</p>\r\n<p>By tracing the links between science and magic, it is these different meanings of knowledge according to the cultures of the imagination that we propose to explore in the framework of this colloquium, in order to consider what definitions and representations are proposed to the public. It would also be a question of exploring the way in which these same sciences and magics go beyond the fictional border, by bringing this knowledge to infuse itself and to be transmitted within the framework of reception and creation.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>February 28 - March 1, 2023<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet co-hosts, from February 28 to March 1, 2023, at the Maison des Sciences et de l'Homme in Brittany, the colloquium \"Entre science et magie : les savoirs dans les cultures de l'imaginaire\" (Between",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/iOT12Tj.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Colloquium-",
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      "slug": "invitation-by-the-building-21-project-of-mcgill-university",
      "date_start": "2022-10-17",
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      "id": 1508,
      "events_id": 754,
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      "title": "Invitation by the Building 21 Project of McGill University",
      "content_html": "<p>Marcello Vitali-Rosati is invited to reflect upon the article \"<a href=\"https://cajundiscordian.medium.com/is-lamda-sentient-an-interview-ea64d916d917\">Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview</a>\" by Blake Lemoine.</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Project Website",
          "url": "https://building21.ca/events-1"
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>November 7, 2022<br>The Building 21 Project of McGill University invites Marcello Vitali-Rosati, on November 7 at 1:30 p.m. (EST), to discuss artificial intelligence in the humanities. In person at Building 21, and online (link to come on the pro",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/WHAnVA3.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Invitation-by-the-Building-twoone-Project-of-McGill-University",
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      "slug": "editions-critiques-numeriques-et-multilinguisme-critical-digital-editions-and-multilingualism-workshop",
      "date_start": "2022-09-26",
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      "id": 1498,
      "events_id": 749,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "\"Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme\" (Critical Digital Editions and Multilingualism) Workshop",
      "content_html": "<p>The central theme of our workshop \"Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme\" (Critical Digital Editions and Multilingualism) is to identify the changes brought about by the digital in the production and dissemination of knowledge in the humanities. Specifically, participants in our event are exploring how the digital age is reshaping the production and dissemination of knowledge and content in literature, philosophy, and art history, drawing on high-level expertise in information science and digital humanities. This timely conjunction of researchers and fields of specialization has allowed us to lay the groundwork for both a practical and theoretical analysis and apprehension of a crucial object of study in our respective fields, namely critical publishing (in the broadest sense) and what happens to it in the digital age (here, critical publishing being understood as the scholarly production of a document accompanied by annotations, commentary, and other materials deemed appropriate by the editor).</p>",
      "links": [
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      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>September 27, 2022<br>\r\nMathilde Verstraete and Marcello Vitali-Rosati give a talk, on September 27, 2022, as part of the workshop \"Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme\" (Critical Digital Editions and Multilingualism) held by the <a hr",
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      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/JiBXeKI.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Editions-critiques-numeriques-et-multilinguisme-Critical-Digital-Editions-and-Multilingualism-Workshop",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "colloquium-le-choix-dans-les-cultures-de-l-imaginaire-choice-in-speculative-cultures",
      "date_start": "2022-09-23",
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      "id": 1504,
      "events_id": 752,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Colloquium \"Le choix dans les cultures de l'imaginaire\" (Choice in Speculative Cultures)",
      "content_html": "<p>Blue pill or red pill? Neo makes his choice and accepts the consequences; but if viewers of <i>The Matrix</i> are forced to observe the consequences of this choice made by the character, they don't have to follow it, and can just as well imagine what the other side of the story would have been if Neo had not had the same opinion, or if they had been in his place.</p>\r\n<p>This space of freedom presented here to the character as well as to the viewers is the very essence of choice, which could be defined as follows: namely, the result of the exercise of reason, tastes, or values, made with or without the knowledge of the multiple causes and consequences that it unites in a point of convergence.</p>\r\n<p>As such, choice is an integral part of everyday experience, from political voting to consumer choices, from clothing choices to word choices. But it takes on a particular colouring in the realms of fiction, because it is lived vicariously there (Goffman, 1967; Di Filippo, 2016).</p>\r\n<h3>Program</h3>\r\n<p>9 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.: In-person Welcome<br>\r\n9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Un choix dont vous êtes le héros (A Choice Where You're the Hero)<br>\r\nPLANÇON, Thomas: « Dieu ne joue pas aux dés » : la place du hasard dans les univers de l’imaginaire (\"God Does Not Play Dice\": Luck in Speculative Universes)<br>\r\nTARDY, Manon: « Atelier dont vous êtes le héros » (jeu de rôle sur Twine) (\"Workshop Where You're the Hero\" [roleplaying game on Twine])<br>\r\nDiscussion<br>\r\n12 p.m. - 2 p.m. : Lunch Break<br>\r\n2 p.m. - 3 p.m. : Interactivités multimodales (Multimodal Interactivies)<br>\r\nGIRARD, Bruno: De <i>Smoking no-smoking</i> d’Alain Resnais à <i>Existenz</i> de Cronenberg et l’épisode <i>Black Mirror</i>, « Bandersnatch » : l’alternative au cinéma (From <i>Smoking no-smoking</i> by Alain Resnais to <i>Existenz</i> by Cronenberg and the <i>Black Mirror</i> Episode \"Bandersnatch\": Alternative in Cinema)<br>\r\nLESCOUET, Emmanuelle: Choisir la voix : narrations arborescentes de science-fiction (Choosing the Voice: Branching Narratives of Science Fiction)<br>\r\nDiscussion<br>\r\n3:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.: Break<br>\r\n4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Choisir la rébellion ? (Choosing Rebellion?)<br>\r\nKLEIN, Victoria: Littérature environnementale et cultures de l’imaginaire : l’afrofuturisme au service de la cause écologique. Le personnage écologique dans <i>Tè Mawon</i> de Michael Roch (Environmental Literature and Speculative Cultures, Afrofuturism at the Service of the Ecological Cause: The Ecological Character in <i>Tè Mawon</i> by Michael Roch)<br>\r\nBRESSON, Jonathan: Dilemmes héroïques de la violence et de la rébellion (Heroic Dilemmas of Violence and Rebellion)<br>\r\nDiscussion</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Call for Proposals",
          "url": "https://laboimaginr2.hypotheses.org/600"
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>October 28, 2022<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet co-hosts, on October 28, 2022 at the Maison des Sciences et de l’Homme en Bretagne, the \"Le choix dans les cultures de l'imaginaire\" (Choice in Speculative Cultures) colloquium with the <a href=\"https://lab",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/6lt0x1L.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Colloquium-Le-choix-dans-les-cultures-de-limaginaire-Choice-in-Speculative-Cultures",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "guest-lecture-in-the-course-la-lecture-fondements-et-processus-reading-foundations-and-processes-at-the-universite-du-quebec-a-montreal",
      "date_start": "2022-09-23",
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      "id": 1496,
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      "title": "Guest Lecture in the course \"La lecture : fondements et processus\" (Reading: Foundations and Processes) at the Université du Québec à Montréal",
      "content_html": "<p>Emmanuelle Lescouet proposes an introduction to various forms of digital literature, from eBooks to literary video games, without forgetting book-apps, notifiction and social media literature. This lecture will aim to identify the issues specific to the formal heterogeneity of this corpus.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Through the study of reading gestures, she will address the diversity of reading processes involved.</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>October 6, 2022<br>Emmanuelle Lescouet is invited, on October 6, 2022 at 2 p.m. (EST), to give a lecture in the class \"La lecture : fondements et processus\" (Reading: Foundations and Processes) taught at the Université du Québec à Montréal.</h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/17lVTWJ.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Guest-Lecture-in-the-course-La-lecture--fondements-et-processus-Reading-Foundations-and-Processes-at-the-Universite-du-Quebec-a-Montreal",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "guest-seminar-by-pierre-levy-on-the-ieml-information-economy-metalanguage-project",
      "date_start": "2022-09-20",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1502,
      "events_id": 751,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Guest Seminar by Pierre Lévy on the IEML (Information Economy MetaLanguage) Project",
      "content_html": "<p>Seminar schedule:</p>\r\n<p><b>First session Oct. 24</b><br>\r\nGeneral presentation of the language and the IEML project<br>\r\nNew grammar and new editor<br>\r\nPractical exercise: creating new concepts (the @node command)</p>\r\n<p><b>Second session Oct. 25</b><br>\r\nPresentation of multiple ontology examples in IEML (psychiatry and others)<br>\r\nHow to conceive an ontology or a data model in IEML<br>\r\nPractical exercise: creating concept <i>paradigms</i> (the @paranode and @table commands)</p>\r\n<p><b>Third session Oct. 26</b><br>\r\nPresentation of the open source IEML library (a big parser) in C++ by Louis Van Beurden<br>\r\nHow to transform IEML into a collective-collaborative open source project<br>\r\nPractical exercise: creating links (the @link command)</p>\r\n<p>All documents will be put at participants' disposal on the Discord server \"INTLEKT Metadata\", as well as live discussions.</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "IEML Presentation",
          "url": "https://intlekt.io/ieml/"
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>October 24-26, 2022<br>\r\nThe Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities and the <a href=\"https://www.crihn.org/\">Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques</a> (CRIHN) invite Pierre Lévy to conduct a seminar, from Octo",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/UYLRVVs.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Guest-Seminar-by-Pierre-Levy-on-the-IEML-Information-Economy-MetaLanguage-Project",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "fall-2022-seminar-of-the-arcanes-research-group",
      "date_start": "2022-09-19",
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      "id": 1494,
      "events_id": 747,
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      "title": "Fall 2022 Seminar of the Arcanes Research Group",
      "content_html": "<p>Marcello Vitali-Rosati lecture: \"Pour des environnements numériques contre-intuitifs, complexes et hétérogènes. La littératie numérique à l'épreuve des GAFAM\" (For Counter-Intuitive, Complex and Heterogeneous Digital Environments: Digital Literacy Against the GAFAM)</p>\r\n<p>Digital environments are now dominated by a handful of private companies that promise us intuitive, simple and neutral technologies that \"solve\" our problems without us having to ask too many questions and especially without us having to think too much. This rhetoric is at the root of a growing digital incompetence: we depend on the GAFAM, the GAFAM think for us. True digital literacy requires a radical questioning of this rhetoric: we must seek out counter-intuitive, complex and heterogeneous environments.</p>",
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      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>October 7, 2022<br>\r\nMarcello Vitali-Rosati and Nicolas Sauret are lecturing, on October 7, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (EST) on Zoom, as part of the fall 2022 seminar of the <a href=\"https://crilcq.arcanes.ca/\">Arcanes</a> Research Group, durin",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/KhV5A4s.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Fall-twozerotwotwo-Seminar-of-the-Arcanes-Research-Group",
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      "slug": "symposium",
      "date_start": "2022-09-19",
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      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1506,
      "events_id": 753,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Symposium ",
      "content_html": "<p>The languages and literatures of Antiquity, especially from ancient Greece, are omnipresent in our culture and in the construction of Western societies. With the birth and development of the Internet on the one hand, and that of the Web on the other, more and more projects for the digitization, indexing, digital publishing, and computational studies of these texts are emerging. What are the implications of this encounter between texts that are sometimes several millennia old and digital platforms? What to do with the innumerable data generated? How can we appropriate these digitized heritages, contribute to their dissemination, and exploit them for heuristic purposes? What digital and computational tools can we use to further our knowledge of these vast bodies of work, which are far from having revealed all their secrets? The event “Anthological Navigations” intends to raise these questions by focusing in particular on the case study of the Greek Anthology, a monumental work for which the Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities is producing a collaborative digital edition. This meeting will take place over three days with the aim of calling on the community of Digital Classicists to reflect on the scientific issues related to the dissemination of the heritage of ancient Greek languages and literatures and, more generally, on the methodological and epistemological impact of the Digital Humanities within the framework of Hellenistic studies. While focusing on the anthological corpus, the three days of the conference aim to bridge the gap between the terms “digital” and “classicists” and to prompt a meeting between researchers, professors and programmers with diverse profiles and sometimes distant interests, so that a perennial discussion can be created and new research potentialities can emerge.</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Event Page",
          "url": "https://navigations.ecrituresnumeriques.ca/en/"
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>October 27 to 29, 2022<br>\r\nThe Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities holds, from October 27 to 29, 2022 in the Lionel-Groulx building of the University of Montreal, the symposium \"Anthological Navigations: The Greek Anthology in the Era ",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/RsD8Fg9.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Symposium-",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "digital-humanities-conference-series",
      "date_start": "2022-09-19",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1514,
      "events_id": 757,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Digital Humanities Conference Series",
      "content_html": "<p>For several years, the GAFAM have been spreading a particular rhetoric that now informs the way we understand the digital world: platforms, tools and technologies must be simple, intuitive, beautiful, fast... But this rhetoric hides a fundamental problem: simplicity, intuitiveness and this standardized beauty are only signs of a growing digital incompetence. We depend on the GAFAM, the GAFAM think for us. By praising non-intuitive, ugly, and complicated design, I intend to lay the groundwork for a true digital literacy that critically challenges the discourse of the GAFAM.</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>November 30, 2022<br>\r\nMarcello Vitali-Rosati gives a talk, on November 30, 2022 at 11 a.m. (EST) on Jitsi, as part of a series of conferences on digital humanities organized by the Clermont-Auvergne Institute of Technology and the Lycée Jean Mon",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/gc8xt1g.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Digital-Humanities-Conference-Series",
      "legacy_location": null