Jason Boyd Lecture

University of Montreal
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Room C-8111
10th novembre, 11 am

Calendar Days 2017-11-03

Matteo Treleani Lecture

University of Montreal
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Local C-2059
1st November 2017, 10am

Calendar Days 2017-09-29

Gregory Crane Lecture

University of Montreal

Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Local C-2059
12th October 2017, 10am

Calendar Days 2017-09-21
  "lang": "en",
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  "site_title": "Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities",
  "site_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing.",
  "feature_image": "9ff5bed0-7d2c-40d6-9d3c-bf3dd7fcebaa",
  "site_email": "crc.ecrituresnumeriques@gmail.com",
  "site_address_html": "<p>Universit&eacute; de Montr&eacute;al<br>Pavillon Lionel Groulx 8e &eacute;tage<br>Local C8041<br>3150, rue Jean Brillant<br>Montr&eacute;al (QC) H3T 1N8 Canada</p>",
  "site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
  "site_rights": "&copy; 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.",
  "site_social_accounts": [
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      "url": "https://twitter.com/ENumeriques"
      "label": "YouTube",
      "icon": "youtube",
      "url": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LIw0dopbSSgqI2zdIi84w"
      "label": "GitLab",
      "icon": "gitlab",
      "url": "https://gitlab.huma-num.fr/ecrinum/"
      "label": "GitHub",
      "icon": "github",
      "url": "https://github.com/Ecrituresnumeriques"
      "label": "Instagram",
      "icon": "instagram",
      "url": "https://www.instagram.com/enumeriques/"
      "label": "Facebook",
      "icon": "facebook",
      "url": "https://www.facebook.com/Chaire-de-recherche-du-Canada-sur-les-%C3%A9critures-num%C3%A9riques-439923422871073/"
      "label": "Internet Archive",
      "url": "https://archive.org/details/@crc_sur_les_critures_num_riques",
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      "url": "https://www.zotero.org/groups/critures_numriques/items",
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          "url": "https://www.zotero.org/groups/322999/critures_numriques/library",
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      "items": [
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          "url": "/en/research-axis"
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          "url": "/en/research-fields"
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          "url": "/en/key-concepts"
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      "label": "Projects",
      "url": "/en/projects"
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      "external": true,
      "url": "https://stylo.huma-num.fr/"
      "label": "Sens public",
      "url": "https://www.sens-public.org/",
      "external": true
      "label": "Revue 2.0",
      "external": true,
      "url": "https://revue20.ecrituresnumeriques.ca/"
      "label": "Greek Anthology",
      "url": "https://anthologiegrecque.org",
      "external": true
      "label": "Skholé",
      "url": "https://skhole.ecrituresnumeriques.ca/"
  "site_header_image_id": "23e109ab-c929-439b-96ba-63c9f822cb92",
  "site_long_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing. Our identities are writing – profiles, databases' entries, lines of code –, our actions are writing – from clicks to buying a book or planning a trip – the objects around us are made of writing. The Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualites aims to offer a new reading and a new understanding of this writing that now makes our world. On this site you will find all the projects led by Marcello Vitali-Rosati and his team, the publications of the Chair members and the description of all the theoretical concepts used for our research. ",
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      "slug": "crihn-work-in-progress-series-2017-2018-ghislain-thibault",
      "date_start": "2017-11-23",
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      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1270,
      "events_id": 635,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "CRIHN Work-in-progress series 2017-2018 - Ghislain Thibault",
      "content_html": "<img src=\"http://www.crihn.org/files/sites/33/2017/02/csm_Ghislain_Thibault_-_web_01_3b9198ddba.jpg\">\r\n<p>The first Work-in-progress session of the CRIHN members will be dedicated to the project of <i>Ghislain Thibault</i>: « Humanités analogiques : la mécanologie canadienne, précurseure des humanités numériques ».</p>\r\n<p>Ghislain Thibault is professor at the Communication Department of the University of Montréal, where he teaches media studies and media history. His works has been published in Configurations, VIEW, Canadian Literature, Canadian Journal of Communication et Intermédialités. With professor Mark Hayward, he leads a SSHRC funded project on history and mecanology, a French Canadian mouvement which lies aside cybernetics since 1960s and on the works of Jean Le Moyne and Gilbert Simondon.</p>\r\n",
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      "description": "<h2>University of Montréal\r\n<br>Local C-2059\r\n<div class=\"dateHeure\">1st December, 1pm</h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "http://www.crihn.org/files/sites/33/2017/02/csm_Ghislain_Thibault_-_web_01_3b9198ddba.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "CRIHN-Work-in-progress-series-twozerooneseven-twozerooneeight---Ghislain-Thibault",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "jason-boyd-lecture",
      "date_start": "2017-11-03",
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      "id": 1268,
      "events_id": 634,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Jason Boyd Lecture",
      "content_html": "<h3>\"People, Talking : Using TEI to Analyze Information Transmission in a Biographical Corpus\"</h3>\r\n<img src=\"https://0.academia-photos.com/820458/284792/336813/s200_jason.boyd.jpg\">\r\n<p>The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines contain a comprehensive set of elements for constructing structured semantic prosopographical or biographical entries on individuals. The case discussed here, the Texting Wilde Project (TWP), which comprises a corpus of early (pre-1945) biographical texts relating to Oscar Wilde, adds a number of additional components to the simple factoid model of 'this thing about this person is asserted by this source.' The TWP biographical corpus, like those concerning others of the nineteenth century and earlier, includes the originating sources of much of the information that comprises the Oscar Wilde we know today (primarily, as reiterated and reinterpreted in more contemporary biographical texts).</p>\r\n<p>Jason Boyd is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Ryerson University, and a faculty member in the Master of Digital Media and joint Ryerson- York University Communication and Culture Program. He is a Co-Director of Ryerson's Centre for Digital Humanities and an Assistant Director of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute. He has been working on developing computer- assisted methods for the study of large corpora of biographical texts in his SSHRC-funded \"Texting Wilde Project,\" which studies early biographical texts relating to Oscar Wilde.</p>\r\n<h3>Here's Jason Boyd's lecture:</h3>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z_pNYlpfNmU\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>University of Montreal\r\n<br>Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Room C-8111\r\n<div class=\"dateHeure\">10th novembre, 11 am</div></h2>\r\n",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://0.academia-photos.com/820458/284792/336813/s200_jason.boyd.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Jason-Boyd-Lecture",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "ecritures-numeriques-et-editorialisation-2017-2018-seminar-series",
      "date_start": "2017-10-28",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1274,
      "events_id": 637,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Écritures numériques et éditorialisation - 2017-2018 Seminar Series",
      "content_html": "<p>The previous cycles of the seminar focused on articulating the notion of editorialization with different digital publishing practices, questioning both the production and dissemination of knowledge (archives, libraries, scholarly publishing) and journalism or the major web platforms.</p>\r\n<p>By recurrently illuminating the links between space, environment and editorialization, these sessions came to question the recent work of definition and conceptualization of editorialization. For Marcello Vitali-Rosati, \"editorialization refers to all the dynamics that produce and structure the digital space. These dynamics are the interactions of individual and collective actions with a particular digital environment\". In this definition, editorialization contributes to the structuring of the digital space and therefore to the very conditions of knowledge construction, in a way similar to what Jeffrey Schnapp conceptualized with <i>knowledge design</i>. Louise Merzeau, for her part, showed the link between editorialization and the arrangement of transitional environments, which she associates with a support environment and the transmedia environment.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>«In addition to reintroducing time sedimented in the collaborative gesture, this \"applicative stellar\" highlights the transmediatic structure of the environment in which the forms of participation are now called to practice. [...] Between media and toolbox, this \"environment-support\" (Zacklad, 2013) marks the advent of specifically digital writing-reading practices, where we see the mark of a digital culture in the process of to be constituted.\"</p>\r\n\r\n<p>By articulating it with the notions of environment, space, territory, ecosystem, we will seek to determine how editorialization can better understand this \"digital culture\".</p>\r\n<p>Our theoretical exploration will thus invest two fields of study:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>environment, ecosystem, milieu</li>\r\n<li>territory, space, architecture</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>We wish to propose a formula in workshops, inviting the participants of the seminar to a proactive work of annotation collaborative around a corpus of recent texts. It will be a question of putting these texts in perspective with the theory of the editorialization and to register this one in a thought of the medium and the space \"as a possible prospect for a refoundation of the collective in the era of the networks \".</p>\r\n<p>In particular, we will focus on shedding light on the work that Louise Merzeau has left us, and thus continue the ever luminous and inspiring contribution of our colleague. Each field will be closed by a conference session.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Schedule</h3>\r\n<h3>Field environment, ecosystem, milieu</h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>13th November 2017</b>: atelier 1. Organizers : <i>Nicolas Sauret</i> & <i>Gérard Wormser</i>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/ypbv-pg4GjE\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\r\n</li>\r\n<li><b>4th December 2017</b>: atelier 2. Organizers : <i>Servanne Monjour</i> & <i>Matteo Treleani</i>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/FCnOeWkY_Kw\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\r\n</li>\r\n<li><b>23rd January 2018</b>: atelier 3. Organizers : <i>Chloé Girard</i> & <i>Jérôme Valluy</i>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZQ8rur2NT-w\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\r\n</li>\r\n<li><b>13th March 2018</b>: <i>Thierry Bardini</i> lecture. <b>Pour une médiologie critique : Prémisses d’une archéologie médiatique du temps réel</b>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/0_ue2h1h-dc\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>This contribution proposes to articulate a critical mediology around three central concepts: mode / modality / modulation, recursion, and formal cause. However, the sense of \"criticism\" mobilized here does not refer exclusively to that associated with the founding works of the Frankfurt School. In fact, it is rather a question of referring to the meaning that thermodynamics gives to this term: for this term, a critical state corresponds to a second-order phase transition, where, at the critical point, we can not distinguish the two phases of the body affected by the phase transition (Bardini 2014). The introduction of this vocabulary inherited from physics follows the intuitions of Gilbert Simondon (1958, 2005), which will be here to update.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>This consists of reassessing and completing his ontogenetic model by the light of contemporary phenomena that he certainly could not be aware of. In particular, it is necessary to ask to what extent the contemporary media ecology needs to be updated by the introduction of two distinct, but more and more miscible modes of existence, to qualify the forms of life (vital individuations). psychic and collective): analogous and numerical modes of existence. The critical state of contemporary media ecology that particularly concerns me is precisely the moment when the analogical and numerical phases or modalities of our lives mingle and merge into one reality. While we still think reality as likely to be \"virtual\" or \"augmented\" by the technological means of a panoply of computerized media, it seems to me crucial to wonder about the particular space-time and the singular interlacing presence and absence that these media devices make possible.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Field territory, space, architecture</h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><b>10th April 2018</b> : atelier 4. Organizers : <i>Emmanuel Château-Dutier</i> & <i>Enrico Agostini Marchese</i>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/e2jKzPKHNVo\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\r\n</li>\r\n<li>\r\n<b>15th May 2018</b> : atelier 5. Organizers : <i>Marcello Vitali-Rosati</i> & <i>Évelyne Broudoux</i>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/7fOT38d0SA8\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n<b>Organizers</b> : Nicolas Sauret, Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Marta Severo, Evelyne Broudoux\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe seminar is organized jointly by the Canada Research Chair on digital textualities and the Dicen-IDF (thematic \"Editorialization, Documentarisation, Traceability\").\r\n</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Environment, milieu, space, and architecture</h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "Ecritures-numeriques-et-editorialisation---twozerooneseven-twozerooneeight-Seminar-Series",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "matteo-treleani-lecture",
      "date_start": "2017-09-29",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1266,
      "events_id": 633,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Matteo Treleani Lecture",
      "content_html": "<img src=\"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0_VTIn9RTno/maxresdefault.jpg\">\r\n<h3>The Digital Heritage : Remote Immediate Accessibility</h3>\r\n<p>Matteo Treleani is a semiologist and communication science's lecturer at the University of Lille. After graduating at University of Bologna, he has been researcher at the at the universities of Paris Est, Paris 3 and Sciences Po. He is member of <i>Geriico</i>. He is author of <i>Qu'est-ce que le patrimoine numérique ?</i> (Le Bord de l'eau, 2017) and <a href=\"http://parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca/memoiresaudiovisuelles\" target=_\"blank\"><i>Mémoires audiovisuelles</i></a> (Montreal University Press, 2014). He was co-editor of <i>Vers un nouvel archiviste numérique</i> (L’Harmattan/Ina Editions, 2013).</p>\r\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/eFyFffXAl64\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>University of Montreal<br>\r\nPavillon Lionel-Groulx, Local C-2059\r\n<div class=\"dateHeure\">1st November 2017, 10am</div></h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0_VTIn9RTno/maxresdefault.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Matteo-Treleani-Lecture",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "gregory-crane-lecture",
      "date_start": "2017-09-21",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1262,
      "events_id": 631,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Gregory Crane Lecture",
      "content_html": "<img src=\"http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/crane_211-400x250.jpg\">\r\n<h3>The Greek Anthology, Global Philology and new models of scholarly\r\nproduction</h3>\r\n<p><b>Gregory Crane</b> studied classical philology at <b>Harvard University</b>, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1985. Shortly after obtaining it, he was the co-director and then editor-in-chief of the <i>Perseus Project</i>, a digital library project that brings together resources in classical studies, and assistant professor at Harvard. In 1992, he became an assistant professor at <b>Tufts University</b>, where he later became professor and then director of the department of classical philology. He is interested in Greek writers, and more particularly in Thucydides in two of his published works <i>The Blinded Eye: Thucydides and the New Written Word</i> and <i>Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity. The Limits of Political Realism</i>, but also the link between the social sciences (<i>humanities</i>) and the development of technology. In 2010, he earned the <b>Google Digital Humanities Award</b> for his work in digital humanities. Since 2013, he holds a <i>Alexander von Humboldt</i> Chair at the <b>University of Leipzig</b>.\r\n</p>\r\n<iframe src=\"https://archive.org/details/Gregory-Crane-Greek-Anthology\" ></iframe>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>University of Montreal<br>\r\n<br />Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Local C-2059<br>\r\n<div class=\"dateHeure\">12th October 2017, 10am</div></h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/crane_211-400x250.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Gregory-Crane-Lecture",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "rendez-vous-podcast-participation",
      "date_start": "2017-09-17",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1260,
      "events_id": 630,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Rendez-vous podcast participation",
      "content_html": "<p><b>Peppe Cavallari</b>, PhD student in Technology and Human Sciences (UTC, Compiègne; UdeM, Montréal), was invited at <b>Anne Vidal</b> podcast <i>Rendez-vous</i> on the subject « Cultures numériques : où est le corps ? ».</p>\r\n\r\n<iframe src=\"https://archive.org/details/culture-numerique-corps\" ></iframe></iframe>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>16th September 2017</h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "Rendez-vous-podcast-participation",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "the-publishing-sphere",
      "date_start": "2017-06-10",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1258,
      "events_id": 629,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "The Publishing Sphere",
      "content_html": "<h3>Ecosystems of Contemporary Literatures</h3>\r\n\r\n<p>The realm of writing has never been so extensive; nor has the idea of publication ever been so plural. Not a day passes without a great percentage of humanity publishing one or numerous texts: on a blog, a social media network, or elsewhere. A two-day program of performative live publishing will celebrate this emerging sphere with talks and conversations, readings, sound performances, interventions, and more. Radio Brouhaha, launched at the event, will livestream [voicerepublic.com] the final evening, capturing sounds of ambiance and infrastructure.\r\n\r\n<p>The traditional idea of the solitary author in direct contact with his editor, and speaking in absentia to an anonymous public is obsolete. In recent years an abundance of literary practices – performances, public readings, sound and visual work and new public spaces– have emerged, forming a vibrant artistic and political “publishing sphere.” If it is true that the imaginary of modern literature is constitutive of the fantasy of a “good” public sphere of democracy then we must find what kind of societies are emerging from the publishing sphere we are faced with today.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>At The Publishing Sphere scholars, writers, artists, and representatives of initiatives will investigate the different locations of contemporary literatures between an abstract sphere and a material space. They explore what constitutes a literary work beyond the materiality of the book, expose other forms of publishing besides texts, and survey the agents and players who inhabit the field. Alternating between round table discussions, performative miniature elements, workshop reach-outs, and literary readings they will scrutinize their pre-reflections, research notes, image materials, literary references, to create a publishing sphere of their own.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Chair's holder <b>Marcello Vitali-Rosati</b> will take place at a roundtable with Miriam Rasch between 16:40 and 17:20 on June 13<sup>th</sup> and will offer a presentation called <a href=\"https://voicerepublic.com/talks/the-publishing-sphere-2nd-session-protocols\">\"Editorialization: Writing and  Producing Space\"</a>.</p>  \r\n\r\n<p><i>The Publishing Sphere</i> is supported by <b>Haus der Kulturen der Welt</b>, <b>Université Paris Lumières</b>, the <b>Institut Universitaire de France</b> and the <b>Alexander von Humboldt Foundation</b> via the professorship of Irene Albers at Peter Szondi-Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft of the Freie Universität Berlin.</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin\r\n<div class=\"dateHeure\">13th-14th June 2017</div></h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": "The-Publishing-Sphere",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "grand-colloque-intermedialite-a-montreal-authentic-artifice-authentique-artifice",
      "date_start": "2017-05-18",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1162,
      "events_id": 581,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Grand colloque intermédialité à Montréal \"Authentic Artifice / Authentique artifice\"",
      "content_html": "Le colloque « Authentic Artifice / Authentique artifice » propose une réflexion sur les rapports complexes qui lient authenticité et médiation, sur les valeurs et modalités qui leur sont historiquement attachées de même que celles qui sont les leurs aujourd'hui.\n\nLe titre paradoxal de ce colloque, « Authentic Artifice / Authentique artifice », en est l’expression. Il invite à un questionnement sur les systèmes d’oppositions qui déterminent encore, pour une bonne part, notre approche des pratiques médiatiques – ce qui, d’un point de vue intermédial, inclut les pratiques artistiques, littéraires et, plus globalement, communicationnelles. \nAinsi, alors que les technologies interviennent dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne et qu'elles s'insinuent à l'intérieur même du corps humain, notre culture reste étrangement hantée par une certaine conception de l’authenticité qui s’appuie sur une mythologie de la présence. Cette présence peut être comprise comme une convergence du temps et de l'espace, comme un partage de l'ici et du maintenant. Elle serait la marque de l'authenticité, elle assumerait une sorte de valeur morale, insaisissable et pourtant très claire pour tous. La présence serait du côté de l'immédiateté, de la naturalité, de la vérité.\n\nCette réflexion est organisée en fonction des quatre axes suivants : \n1.\tPerspectives théoriques et historiques : analyses intermédiales des discours sur l’authenticité et sur la médiation. Quels sont les fondements philosophiques, moraux, socio-économiques de la pensée de la présence et de l’authenticité ? Quels systèmes interprétatifs sont mobilisés ? Quelles différentes idéologies peut-on identifier ? \n2.\tPerspectives dynamiques : la question de l’authenticité et le passage du paradigme représentationnel au paradigme performatif. Quelles sont les alternatives théoriques aux oppositions entre médiation et immédiateté ? \n3.\tPerspectives esthétiques : les manifestations de la présence et les modalités de la médiation. Analyse d’expériences artistiques ou de pratiques esthétiques qui adoptent ou défient l’idéologie de l’authenticité : de l’emploi des filtres dans les images numériques ou les enregistrements sonores, à l’hypermediateté (hypermediacy) et aux différents d’artifices qui tendent à se montrer ou à s’effacer. \n4.\tPerspectives magiques : les spectacles modernes de magie, ou « arts trompeurs », qui apparaissent dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle grâce aux progrès de la technologie et continuent d’attirer les foules aujourd’hui, relèvent des perspectives esthétiques mais présentent un cas si extrême d’authenticité de l’artifice qu’un axe leur est consacré. Ces spectacles, fondés sur l'artifice de l'illusion, misent sur la « vérité de l'expérience » et sur le paradoxe du spectacle d’une médiation qui se dérobe toujours au regard du spectateur. ",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=NjhzNDBwOTQxcDNjaTlvcDNxNjVqdXFocm8gazhucDdtZGp0cHJiNG5qaWhtaHVxcWVhanNAZw",
      "location": "Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada ",
      "legacy_image": null,
      "legacy_slug": null,
      "legacy_location": "Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada "
      "slug": "colloque-ecridil-ecrire-editer-lire-a-lere-numerique-2018",
      "date_start": "2017-05-15",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1286,
      "events_id": 643,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Colloque ÉCRiDiL « Écrire, éditer, lire à l’ère numérique » 2018",
      "content_html": "<img src=\"https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F42522179%2F249496737807%2F1%2Foriginal.jpg?w=800&rect=0%2C2%2C2214%2C1107&s=937470914caa00af4e779d3dcd202f8d\" />\r\n<h3>Le livre, défi de design: l’intersection numérique de la création et de l’édition</h3>\r\n<h3>Second edition of ÉCRiDiL \"Writing, Editing, Reading in digital age\"</h3>\r\n\r\n<p>The ECRiDiL congress studies, without separing them, the three fundamental uses of the book chain (writing, editing, reading) starting from the culturee of innovation via design, in the spirit of social and digital innovation.</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n<h3>Program</h3>\r\n<h3>30th April</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>8.30am – Welcoming</li>\r\n<li>8.45am – Opening</li>\r\n<li>9am-10.20am – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afbPtRH-aHQ&t=16s\">Panel {A} \"Matérialités du design du livre numérique\"</a></li>\r\n    <ul>\r\n    <li>Marc Jahjah and Clémence Jacquot, \"Interroger la matérialité numérique d’une œuvre \"hybride\": l’énonciation éditoriale de <i>Poreuse</i>\"</li>\r\n    <li>Oriane Deseilligny, \"Entre livre-objet et objet livre: représentations et circulations de la matérialité du livre en régime numérique\"</li>\r\n    <li>Julien Drochon, \"Plasticités plurielles des lectures numériques\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n<li>10.20am-10.40am – Pause</li>\r\n<li>10.40am-12pm – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXd4dh-VuFI&t=436s\">Panel {B} \"Interactivité, arts et design éditorial\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n      <li>Nolwenn Tréhondart and Alexandra Saemmer, \"Le design éditorial des livres d'art numériques, au prisme de leurs pratiques de conception et de réception\"</li>\r\n    <li>Françoise Paquienséguy, \"Représenter la création artistique: les catalogues d'exposition numérique, comment aborder l’œuvre et son auteur?\"</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n    <li>Roundtable {C} \"Hybridation des modèles éditoriaux et graphiques des publications d’art sur supports numériques\"</li>\r\n   \r\n\r\n<li>12pm-1.15pm – Lunch</li>\r\n<li>1.15pm-2.30pm – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awq4Rs8-sw4&t=3s\">Panel {D} \"Édition scientifique: enjeux\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n      <li>Anthony Masure, \"Design et humanités numériques, vers une convergence du livre et du web?\"</li>\r\n    <li>Jean-Louis Soubret, \"Design thinking et édition - point d'avancement\"</li>\r\n    <li>Lucile Haute and Julie Blanc, \"Design des publications scientifiques multisupports\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n\r\n<li>2.30pm-2.50pm – Pause</li>\r\n<li>2.50pm-4.10pm – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ_cqfWLbQ0&t=29s\">Panel {E} \"Édition scientifique: études de cas\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n      <li>Martine Clouzot, \"\"Living Book\" et Enluminures médiévales. Résultats d'expérimentation sur la création, l'édition collaboratives et la diffusion d'un \"livre vivant\"\"</li>\r\n    <li>Enrico Agostini-Marchese, Elsa Bouchard, Arthur Juchereau, Nicolas Sauret, and Marcello Vitali-Rosati, \"Une plateforme pour le livre anthologique à l'époque numérique. Le cas de l'Anthologie Palatine\"</li>\r\n    <li>Benoît Epron and Catherine Muller, \"L'abécédaire des mondes lettrés, un outil d'écriture collaborative savante\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n\r\n\r\n<li>2.50-4.10 – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YscsXoDhdnk&t=1s\">Panel {F} \"Techniques de la fabrication et de la diffusion des livres en environnement numérique\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n      <li>Cécile Meynard and Elisabeth Greslou, \"Du manuscrit au numérique: une édition multiformes et multisupports de Stendhal\"</li>\r\n    <li>Antoine Fauchié, \"<i>Git</i> comme nouvel ingrédient des chaînes de publication?\"</li>\r\n    <li>Fabrice Marcoux, \"La co-édition grâce à <i>Booktype</i> au <i>B7</i>: mise à l’épreuve du livre numérique\"</li>\r\n    <li>Jean-Michel Gascuel, \"Le livre de demain sera connecté et transmédia ou ne sera pas\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n\r\n<li>4.10pm-5pm – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqms9YqEzd8&t=306s\">Roundtable {G} \"Publier la recherche\"</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>\r\n<h3>1st May</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>8.45am – Welcoming</li>\r\n<li>9am-10.20am – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tjVEWtZcVQ&t=167s\">Panel {H} \"Fondements repensés\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n    <li>Emmanuël Souchier, \"Éléments pour une épistémologie du design en contexte numérique\"</li>\r\n    <li>Franck Cormerais, \"Retour sur la \"Lecture Appropriative\" dans la dynamique des humanités digitales\"</li>\r\n    <li>Olivier Charbonneau, \"Encoder les communs de la lecture\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n\r\n<li>10.20am-10.40am – Pause</li>\r\n<li>10.40am-12.15pm – Panel {I} \"Interactions, poétiques en contexte numérique\" — <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4A3fiED_r4\">First part</a> // <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8s789T7K5U&t=116s\">Second part</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n    <li>Arthur Perret, \"La typographie du livre numérique, entre fluidité et frictions\"</li>\r\n    <li>Arnaud Laborderie, \"Du livre enrichi au livre augmenté: les enjeux d’une clôture numérique\"</li>\r\n    <li>Elsa Tadier, \"Corps, livre et design. Quand le numérique invite à revisiter la place du corps dans les dispositifs de lecture\"</li>\r\n    <li>Dominique Raymond, \"Potentiel2. Numérique et contrainte pour Savage (Nathalie), Dickner et Fortier (Révolutions)\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n\r\n<li>12.15pm-1.30pm – Lunch</li>\r\n<li>1.30pm-2.30pm – Stands {J}</li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n    <li>Jimmy Gagné, \"Présentation Album jeunesse animé et narré\"</li>\r\n    <li>Nicolas Tilly, \"Impression postnumérique et remix éditorial\"</li>\r\n    <li>Gisèle Henniges, \"Co-création auteur et designer: ergonomie de l’œuvre augmentée et expérience utilisateur\"</li>\r\n    <li>Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Arthur Juchereau, Servanne Monjour, and Nicolas Sauret, \"Stylo: un éditeur sémantique <i>WYSYWYM</i> pour l'édition savante de demain\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n    \r\n<li>1.30pm-2.30pm – Collecitve ideation workshop {K}</li>\r\n<li>2.30pm-2.50pm – Pause</li>\r\n<li>2.50pm-4pm – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtVEzBS1ESw\">Panel {L} \"Interfaces, écritures et design éditorial\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n    <ul>\r\n    <li>Christine Develotte and Mabrouka El Hachani, \"L’alliance du papier et de la tablette numérique: les spécificités d’une nouvelle écriture de fiction jeunesse\"</li>\r\n    <li>Florence Rio, Bertrand Meslier, and Eric Kergosien, \"Le \"KIT de rédaction\" pour livres interactifs numériques ou la reconfiguration de l’acte d’écriture\"</li>\r\n    <li>Nathalie Lacelle, Marie-Christine Beaudry, and Prune Lieutier, \"Projet de soutien au développement de démarches d’édition numérique jeunesse au Québec\"</li>\r\n    </ul>\r\n\r\n<li>4pm-5pm – <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0WROYNP9t0\">Roundtable {M} \"Imaginer des structures d’accompagnement éditorial en contexte numérique\"</a></li>\r\n\r\n</ul>\r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Organizing committee</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n<b></b>\r\n<b>René Audet</b> (CRILCQ, University of Laval)\r\n<br><b>Renée Bourassa</b> (CRIalt, University of Laval)\r\n<br><b>Oriane Deseilligny</b> (GRIPIC, University Paris-13)\r\n<br><b>Bertrand Gervais</b> (CRC digital arts and literatures, UQAM)\r\n<br><b>Michael Sinatra</b> (CRIHN, University of Montreal)\r\n<br><b>Stéphane Vial</b> (PROJEKT, University of Nîmes)\r\n<br><b>Josée Vincent</b> (GRÉLQ, University of Sherbrooke)\r\n<br><b>Marcello Vitali-Rosati</b> (CRC digital textualities, University of Montréal)\r\n</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Internet Website",
          "url": "http://ecridil.ex-situ.info/"
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Usine C, Montreal\r\n<br />1345 avenue Lalonde \r\n<div class=\"dateHeure\">30th April-1st May 2018</div></h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1310/860471805_d4b919dc56_z.jpg?zz=1",
      "legacy_slug": "Colloque-ECRiDiL-Ecrire-editer-lire-a-lere-numerique-twozerooneeight",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "summer-school-digital-humanities-2017",
      "date_start": "2017-04-28",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1264,
      "events_id": 632,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Summer School Digital Humanities 2017",
      "content_html": "",
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      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "http://cerium.umontreal.ca/fileadmin/_processed_/csm_G%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral_a62f87690a.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Summer-School-Digital-Humanities-twozerooneseven",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "conference-around-the-world-digital-media-in-a-post-truth-era",
      "date_start": "2017-04-28",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1254,
      "events_id": 627,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Conference ‘Around the World: Digital Media in A Post-Truth Era’ ",
      "content_html": "<img src=\"http://www.crihn.org/files/sites/33/2017/04/ATW2017_international_poster_png-475x734.png\">\r\n<p>\r\nIn collaboration with the <b>Canada's Research Chair on Digital Humanities</b>, the <b>CRIHN</b> organize one of the sessions at the virtual conference \"<i>Around the World: Digital Media in a Post-Truth Era</i>\", thursday 4th May at 11 am: \"Post-truth and Authority\".\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nAccording to Oxford dictionary, the word of 2016 is Post-truth, defined as a adjective  \"relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.\" The Brexit and Donald Trump's election at the presidence of the United States were the context where the term \"Post-Truth\" was the most employed, particulary in reference to the circulation of fake news on social media. This was possible, they say, because of the lack of ultimate authority which can assure the validity and the truth in those news. This lack, is it implied by the web's structure? On the web, is that true that there is no authority? What makes authority on the web? What is the truth in Social Media Era? This round table's purpose is to think about this themes, try to have a better comprehension of our era and, maybe, give an answer to those questions.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<i>Chairman of the meeting</i> : <b>Michael Sinatra</b> (Université de Montréal)\r\n<br>\r\n<lh><i>Speakers:</i></lh>\r\n<li><b>Marcello Vitali-Rosati</b> (Université de Montréal)</li>\r\n<li><b>Servanne Monjour</b> (Université de Montréal)</li>\r\n<li><b>Enrico Agostini-Marchese</b> (Université de Montréal)</li>\r\n</p>\r\n<iframe src=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b01n_4aJ1FY\"></iframe>\r\n",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>University of Alberta (virtually)\r\n<br>Thursday 4th May 2017, 11 am-12 pm</h2>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "http://www.crihn.org/files/sites/33/2017/04/ATW2017_international_poster_png-475x734.png",
      "legacy_slug": "Conference-Around-the-World-Digital-Media-in-A-Post-Truth-Era-",
      "legacy_location": null