89th Acfas Congress

May 9-10, 2022

On May 9, 2022, PhD candidates Roch Delannay, Giulia Ferretti and Mathilde Verstraete will give lectures as part of the "Prix étudiants" (Student Awards) period of the conference "Le numérique dans les sciences humaines : Édi
Calendar Days 2022-03-21
PhD candidate Margot Mellet will give, on March 18, 2022, at 11:30 a.m., a lecture titled "Textapes et profil numérique. Analyse de l’œuvre transmédiale Les Textapes d’Alice" (Textapes and Digital Profile: Transmedial Analysis of Les Textap
Calendar Days 2022-03-16
Calendar Days 2022-03-16
Calendar Days 2022-03-16

Discussion on palimpsest

As part of the project "Le récit de voyage à l'ère numérique. Tentative d'épuisement de l'autoroute Nord-Sud (Gaspé et Miami) (Travel Literature in the Digital Era: Attempt at Exhausting the North-South Highway [Gaspé and Miami])", PhD candidates Mar
Calendar Days 2022-03-01
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  "site_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing.",
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  "site_address_html": "<p>Universit&eacute; de Montr&eacute;al<br>Pavillon Lionel Groulx 8e &eacute;tage<br>Local C8041<br>3150, rue Jean Brillant<br>Montr&eacute;al (QC) H3T 1N8 Canada</p>",
  "site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
  "site_rights": "&copy; 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.",
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      "id": 1464,
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      "title": "89<sup>th</sup> Acfas Congress",
      "content_html": "<h1>\"Prix étudiants\" (Student Awards) Period</h1>\r\n<p>Roch Delannay : \"L'intime dans le processus d'écriture savante\" (Intimacy in the Scholarly Writing Process)</p><p>Giulia Ferretti : \"Lire le code comme un texte : pour une herméneutique des standards\" (Reading Code Like Text: Hermeneutics of Standards)</p><p>Mathilde Verstraete : \"L'Anthologie grecque, corpus fragmentaire. Quelle réception dans un espace numérique ?\" (The Greek Anthology, Fragmentary Corpus: What Reception In a Digital Space?)</p>\r\n<h1>Conference \"Le numérique dans les sciences humaines : Édition et visualisation\" (The Digital in the Humanities: Edition and Visualisation)</h1>\r\n<p>9:30 a.m.: Analyse des textes philosophiques québécois : problèmes et thématiques de leur analyse informatique (Analysis of Quebec Philosophical Works: Problems and Themes of Their Computer Analysis)<br>Jean-Guy Meunier (UQAM - Université du Québec à Montréal), Jean-Claude Simard (UQAM)</p>\r\n<p>10:15 a.m.: Les humanités aliens (Alien Humanities)<br>Ollivier Dyens</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>May 9-10, 2022</h2>\r\nOn May 9, 2022, PhD candidates Roch Delannay, Giulia Ferretti and Mathilde Verstraete will give lectures as part of the \"Prix étudiants\" (Student Awards) period of the conference \"Le numérique dans les sciences humaines : Édi",
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      "slug": "conference-reconnecter-un-monde-devaste-representation-des-enjeux-environnementaux-dans-les-jeux-video-reconnecting-a-barren-world-representation-of-environmental-issues-in-video-games",
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      "title": "Conference \"Reconnecter un monde dévasté ? Représentation des enjeux environnementaux dans les jeux vidéo\" (Reconnecting a Barren World? Representation of Environmental Issues in Video Games)",
      "content_html": "<p>My lecture proposes to analyze the theme of obsolescence in <i>Inscryption</i>, a deckbuilder and roguelike video game designed by Daniel Mullins and released by Devolver Digital in 2021. The game opens with a dark cabin where the player must beat a demonic force with cards to escape. This seemingly classic scenario is actually the surface of a complex story. The objective of the game is much deeper and more engaging: it is for the player to destroy the game or, in the narrative, to make him aware of the obsolescence of his own ecosystem.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Based on the principle of necessary sacrifice, the game is an entity in its own right that struggles to continue playing and thus to survive. This practical materialisation in the gameplay of the game's theme, associated with an aesthetic mixing vintage with horror codes (scenes filmed in found footage), carries a message about the obsolescence of a technology and a world mythology. <i>Inscryption</i> is the allegory of a sacrifice to be made of the obsolete digital transcendence (aggressive and intrusive entity in the image of Wells' World Brain). Faced with entities that intermittently take control, the player is made aware of their role: that of sacrificing the game to get out of it.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>April 8, 2022</h2>\r\nAs part of the lecture series \"Le numérique à son miroir\" (The Digital to Its Mirror), the University of Rouen-Normandy organises a conference on the representation of environmental issues in video games. Margot Mellet will gi",
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      "legacy_slug": "Conference-Reconnecter-un-monde-devaste-Representation-des-enjeux-environnementaux-dans-les-jeux-video-Reconnecting-a-Barren-World-Representation-of-Environmental-Issues-in-Video-Games",
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      "slug": "h1march-24-2022br39supth-sup-edition-of-the-20supth-sup-and-21supst-sup-century-french-and-francophone-studies-international-colloquium",
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      "title": "<h1>March 24, 2022<br>39<sup>th</sup> Edition of the 20<sup>th</sup> and 21<sup>st</sup> Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium",
      "content_html": "<p>The proposed panel by Littérature québécoise mobile comprises the following lectures :</p>\r\n\r\n<p>1. “Processualités des œuvres numériques: entre génétique et performativité composée des œuvres à travers le temps” (Processualities of Digital Works: Between Genetics and Composed Performativity of Works Through Time) (René Audet, Université Laval)</p>\r\n\r\n<p>2. “Fugacité du texte numérique: entre captures de texte éphémère et incarnations parallèles des œuvres” (Fugacity of the Digital Text: Between Ephemeral Text Captures and Parallel Incarnations of Works) (Bertrand Gervais, UQAM)</p>\r\n\r\n<p>3. “Performance de système et charge virale: la poétique de l’œuvre numérique en prise avec le dispositif industriel” (System Performance and Viral Charge: The Poetics of the Digital Work in Connection With the Industrial Device) (Alexandra Saemmer, Université de Paris 8)</p>\r\n\r\n<p>4. <a href=\"https://ecrituresnumeriques.ca/fr/Activites/Evenements/2022/1/14/Conference-The-Factory-of-Thinking-Protocols-Algorithms-Formats-and-Worldviews\">“The Factory of Thinking: Formats, Protocols, Algorithms and Worldviews”</a> (Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Université de Montréal)</p>",
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      "description": "The Littérature québécoise mobile team, constituted by René Audet, Bertrand Gervais, Alexandra Saemmer and Marcello Vitali-Rosati, presents a panel titled \"Penser la matérialité des pratiques littéraires numériques\" (Thinking the Materiality of Digit",
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      "content_html": "<i>Les Textapes d'Alice</i> is a French web series broadcast in 2015, originally adapted from a 98% autobiographical Tumblr blog of the same name created by Angela Soupe, that traces the love journey of a young woman, Alice, through types of relationships and dating sites. Consisting of 12 episodes in the same format as a blog post (5 minutes), the series navigates between portrait scenes of the heroine's entourage (without her ever being shown to us) and editorial liberties including the inscription on the screen of digital reading and writing environments (SMS, blog, dating applications). This editorial choice of hybridizing the screen (as a space for both image and text) echoes the general slogan of the creation: \"L'amour, c'était déjà compliqué avant, depuis Internet, c'est pire (Love was already complicated before, since the Internet, it is worse)\". It is around this problematic of the relationship 2.0 that the narrative is tied by a contemporary reflection on the involvement of digital media in our private lives. Alice's evolution, between identity play on dating apps and seduction chases through texts, resonates with a reflection on profile writing (Monjour 2015, 2017; Vitali-Rosati <i>et al</i>. 2018). The transmediality that was kept in the adaptation to the big screen performs the media splintering of our relationships: how do we amorously meet the other through the flow of digital writings? Who do we meet and what profile of us is established in the digital encounter? I wish to address these questions in an analysis of <i>Les Textapes d'Alice</i> in relation to Intermedial Studies (Kittler 1990, 1999; McLuhan 2010; Hayles 2012; Larrue and Vitali-Rosati 2019), and New Materialism (Barad 2007).",
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      "description": "PhD candidate Margot Mellet will give, on March 18, 2022, at 11:30 a.m., a lecture titled \"Textapes et profil numérique. Analyse de l’œuvre transmédiale <i>Les Textapes d’Alice</i>\" (Textapes and Digital Profile: Transmedial Analysis of <i>Les Textap",
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      "slug": "lecture-from-computer-science-in-the-humanities-to-the-collaborative-edition-of-the-greek-anthology-idall-informatica-umanistica-all-edizione-collaborativa-dellantologia-greca-i",
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      "id": 1438,
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      "content_html": "<p>What does it mean to make a digital edition of a text like the Greek Anthology?\r\nWhat are the prerequisites? The advantages? The challenges? After a quick introduction to the history and problems of computer science in the humanities, and some clarifications on its applications to the field of classical studies, the project of the collaborative edition of the Greek Anthology will be presented with particular attention to the relationship between technical choices and epistemological models.</p>",
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      "description": "Lecture given in Italian by Marcello Vitali-Rosati and Mathilde Verstraete at the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II on March 18, 2022 at 11 a.m. (EST) online <a href=\"https://meet.jit.si/anthologiagraeca2022\">here</a>",
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      "title": "Discussion on palimpsest",
      "content_html": "<p>Historically referring to a manuscript whose surface has been scratched away to write a new text, leaving traces of the old one visible, palimpsest has moved from the particular framework of codicology (the study of manuscripts as objects) to become a term-image, a metaphor for a structure, be it literary, architectural, urban, or psychological. Malleable and powerful enough to indicate something else, the concept of palimpsest also has its own evolution within a single discipline such as literary studies. In order to capture a fraction of the richness that this image evokes, we wish to present our approaches to this notion as part of our doctoral research, between synthesis of its characteristics, and reformulation and actualization, or even resemantization of its theoretical aspects.</p>\r\n<p>From one research to another, we will oppose the angles of study of this image-concept to notice the possible meeting points or gaps between our palimpsests.</p>",
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      "description": "As part of the project \"Le récit de voyage à l'ère numérique. Tentative d'épuisement de l'autoroute Nord-Sud (Gaspé et Miami) (Travel Literature in the Digital Era: Attempt at Exhausting the North-South Highway [Gaspé and Miami])\", PhD candidates Mar",
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      "legacy_slug": "Discussion-on-palimpsest",
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      "slug": "graduate-colloquium-of-the-departement-des-litteratures-de-langue-francaise-montreal",
      "date_start": "2022-02-28",
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      "id": 1432,
      "events_id": 716,
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      "title": "Graduate colloquium of the Département des littératures de langue française (Montreal): ",
      "content_html": "<p>The pandemic has brought about a sudden and profound reconfiguration of the ways in which exchanges take place: commercial production and transportation chains have been halted or slowed around the world, containment measures have suddenly interrupted sociability, and formal and informal face-to-face discussions have been replaced by virtual meetings. Having, like many, become aware of the fragility of bonds that many took for granted, the representative members of the graduate programs of the Department of French Literature at UdeM invite you to reflect around the notion of exchange - to the discourses that summon or problematize it, to its representations, modalities, and stakes - for the duration of a colloquium organized at the department.\r\n</p><p>Emmanuelle Lescouët will present \"Texting and chatting: the digital epistolary\"</p><p>Digital literacies have adopted a wide variety of forms, many of which are mimetic of existing utilitarian interfaces: GPS, social network profile, photo gallery, etc. \r\nThe democratization of smartphones and, with them, messaging and chat interfaces has enabled a dictionary of common gestures and features to be learned (Citton 2012). For example, responding to notifications, swiping to turn a page, tapping to validate or invalidate a choice, to name only the best known. </p><p>\r\n\r\n\r\nIf epistolary fictions are not uncommon throughout the history of literature, neither are they uncommon in digital: the protagonists exchanging with each other and allowing clear narratives, themselves based on known mechanics. Moreover, this allows the incarnation of a protagonist without disrupting the diegesis, and thus the reader's investment through multiple-choice navigations (Aarseth 1997).\r\n</p><p>\r\n\r\nThus, with the advent of digital literature and reading devices, literary forms based on the exchange of emails, texts, or chat bot have emerged. Chatstories, or fictions based on messaging interfaces and building more or less dense narrative trees are numerous; some going as far as temporalizing the reading (notifiction), making real time and diegetic time coincide (Lescouet 2021). \r\n</p><p>\r\n\r\nThese exchanges between the (fictional) protagonists and the reader transform the epistolary relationship (Bouchardon 2012), perpetuating and extending the historical forms of the genre into contemporary media (Vitali-Rosati 2020; Galloway 2012).</p><p>\r\n\r\nIn this presentation, I will explore the implications of such literary forms: here, the reader's immersion and investment in the text through the convened reading gestures. The use of familiar interfaces on intimate reading media inscribes fiction in the digital presence of the individual (Ryan 2015; Souchier et al. 2019), through gestures of intimacy still in use in extradiegetic practices, it is these back and forth between diegesis and everyday life that will be studied in a theory of hyperconnection (Agostini-Marchese 2020).\r\n</p>",
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      "description": "<p>Emmanuelle Lescouet will speak about Notifictions and chat stories qu during the colloquium Échange(s)<br/>on March 16, 2022</p>",
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      "legacy_slug": "Graduate-colloquium-of-the-Departement-des-litteratures-de-langue-francaise-Montreal-",
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      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Time for a Break Conference",
      "content_html": "<p>🟣Catching one's breath, changing the tempo: pauses intrude everywhere, even in the most regular streams, structuring sentences, texts and discourse. As part of its 14th student colloquium, the Association des étudiants-e-s en langue et littérature françaises inscrit-e-s aux études supérieures de l'Université McGill (ADELFIES) invites you to reflect on the pause that constitutes, marks, delimits, and even breaks literary texts.🟣</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Emmanuelle Lescouët will talk about \"Text pause or literary incursion into the flow\"</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Digital literature has invaded multiple media and interfaces, whether dedicated to it or not (Hayles, 2007). In this second category, it has been able to mix with other digital actions in everyday life. Thus, when we are on social networks, the primary use is not (or rarely) that of reading: yet, literature manages to find its place in news feeds and other profiles. The same goes for messaging interfaces and their chatbots, or for our notification center when a protagonist takes place there. \r\n</p><p>\r\nNow, through these interruptions without direct links to the reality mediated in these environments, literature creates a more or less short parenthesis in the flow of action on a medium that is nevertheless not dedicated to it (like a smartphone). This is what I intend to develop during this paper. Le rapport que nous entretenons avec ces lieux numériques devenus nos lieux de vie (Agostini-Marchese, 2020), où nos services de messagerie sont intimes parce qu’ils font le pont avec nos proches : que deviennent-ils lorsqu’ils nous servent à échanger avec des protagonistes fictifs ? Une question similaire se pose également sur les réseaux sociaux.\r\n</p><p>\r\nTout d’abord, je m’attarderai sur les supports et les moyens d’envahissements employés par les œuvres narratives; je me pencherai ensuite sur les mécaniques de lecture déployées et l’immersion qui peut être mise en place. \r\n</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Plus d'informations et programmation sur <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/events/497313925139200/? acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%2252%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22[%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%22invite_link_id%5C%22%3A675483406910154%7D%7D]%22%7D\">l'événement Facebook</a></p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>Emmanuelle Lescouët participates in the colloquium \"le temps d'une pause\" organized by ADELFIES of McGill University<br/> March 25, 2022 <a href=\"https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/billets-le-temps-dune-pause-14e-edition-du-colloque-estudiantin-de-ladel",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://i.imgur.com/liXUeLE.jpg",
      "legacy_slug": "Time-for-a-Break-Conference",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "human-beings-humanists-and-tinkerer-in-digital-spaces-seminar",
      "date_start": "2022-02-15",
      "date_end": null,
      "time_start": null,
      "time_end": null,
      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1426,
      "events_id": 713,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Human Beings, Humanists and Tinkerer in Digital Spaces Seminar",
      "content_html": "<p>The term digital humanities seems almost an oxymoron: can we calculate what is human? It would seem - as John Searle would put it - that on the one hand there is what is computable and belongs to pure syntax and on the other hand what is human: meaning.</p>\r\n<p>Relying in particular on Karen Barad's theories, I will show that in actually the question is badly posed. It is not human beings who create digital spaces, it is rather the latter who create the former: instead of showing how human beings build tools, it is necessary to study how tools build human beings. More precisely, meaning does not emerge from human thinking, but from a specific material arrangement, which is also composed of technical elements.  This is what the concept of editorialization shows, as it tries to account for the emergence and structuring of digital spaces and the meaning they produce.</p>\r\n<p>The question that remains open is to know what can be our role as humanists in these digital spaces. For if the digital world is a producer of meaning, the omnipresence of a handful of large companies - the \"GAFAMs\" - runs the risk of condemning us to a single way of thinking.</p>\r\n<p>As a solution, I propose not to focus on the rhetoric of operation and performance, but to dwell on the mistakes, the slowness, the complications. Because this is the only way to develop a true digital literacy. That's what the digital humanities should be: people who like to tweak, disassemble, break down, tinker. Tinkering has probably always been the main quality of humanists - and a digital humanist is basically a tinkerer.</p>",
      "links": null,
      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "Seminar conducted by Marcello Vitali-Rosati at the Department of Humanities of the University of Macerata on March 9, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. (EST) on Jitsi, <a href-\"https://meet.jit.si/H-DEEP\">here</a>",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "https://imgur.com/04jQ3VP.png",
      "legacy_slug": "Human-Beings-Humanists-and-Tinkerer-in-Digital-Spaces-Seminar",
      "legacy_location": null
We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing. Our identities are writing – profiles, databases' entries, lines of code –, our actions are writing – from clicks to buying a book or planning a trip – the objects around us are made of writing. The Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualites aims to offer a new reading and a new understanding of this writing that now makes our world. On this site you will find all the projects led by Marcello Vitali-Rosati and his team, the publications of the Chair members and the description of all the theoretical concepts used for our research.
© 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.