Corpus Season 2

September 5, 2022
Corpus, the livestream show hosted by Emmanuelle Lescouet on the Chair's Twitch channel, is back for a second season on September 5, 2022, live every Monday from 10 a.

Calendar Days 2022-08-16

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Annual Conference

July 25-29, 2022
The annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations will take place from July 25 to 29, 2022 both online and in person. The Chair's team will be giving and hosting multiple talks and workshops. To obtai

Calendar Days 2022-07-04

Interactions multimodales par écran (IMPEC) Conference 2022

July 7, 2022
On July 7, 2022 at 3:30 a.m. (EST), or 9:30 a.m. (CET), Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a lecture titled "Espaces publics et jardins partagés : les collectifs à l'ère des GAFAM" (Public Spaces and Shared Gardens: Collectives in the

Calendar Days 2022-07-04

8th Document numérique et société Conference

June 23, 2022
On June 23 2022, Margot Mellet gives a talk titled "Design des petites mains : réflexions pour des environnements éditoriaux équitables, pluriels et inclusifs" (Design From Little Hands: Reflections On Fair, Plural and Inclusiv

Calendar Days 2022-06-20

Conference "La connaissance intranquille" (Intranquil Knowledge)

June 3, 2022

On June 3, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. (EST), Margot Mellet gives a lecture titled "Le savoir intranquille du texte numérique : restituer une intimité avec son texte à l'écran" (The Un-Tranquil Knowledge of the Digital Text: Restituting
Calendar Days 2022-05-24

ENCODE from the University of Bologna Project Conference

May 23, 2022

On May 23, 2022 at 10 a.m. (EST), Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a lecture titled "Technical Thinking: the 'Greek Anthology Project' between Epistemological Choices and Code" at the 5th ENCODE Project Conference, which
Calendar Days 2022-05-20
Calendar Days 2022-05-15
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  "site_description": "We are now living in a digital space. This space is made of writing.",
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  "site_phone": "(+1) 514 343 5665",
  "site_rights": "&copy; 2024 Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities. Some rights reserved.",
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      "content_html": "<h2>October 6, 2022</h2>\r\n<p>From Plato through Plotinus, until we arrive at our digital age, matter has always been regarded with a certain contempt. Matter would be passive, given, neutral. Meaning, ideas, and everything that seemed \"high\" to us would be on the side of immateriality. According to this rhetoric, any activity associated with matter -- for example, everything that concerns the formatting of content, technical choices, the activities of tagging and encoding data -- would be neutral, uninteresting and to be entrusted to \"subordinates\" -- often women. In my presentation I will quickly trace the history of this \"rhetoric of immateriality\" and show its effects in a certain -- dominant -- conception of what we call \"the digital.\"</p>",
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      "description": "Marcello Vitali-Rosati, on October 6, 2022 at 10 a.m. (EST) online <a href=\"\">here</a>, gives the inaugural talk of the workshop \"Écosophie du numérique\" of the <a href=\"\">EVEille Pro",
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      "title": "Corpus Season 2",
      "content_html": "<p>For a second season in a row, Emmanuelle Lescouet presents and explores a new digital literary work every week, specifically questioning its textual qualities, its modes of reading and its format, as part of the development of the <a href=\"\">Répertoire des écritures numériques</a> (Directory of Digital Writings).</p>\r\n<p>Examples include:<br>- Writings from platforms such as Wattpad ou<br>- Social media literature<br>- Notifictions<br>- Natively digital books as well as digitally edited books<br>- Videogamebooks, be they interactive fiction or visual novels<br>- Purely narrative or poetic textual video games<br>- Augmented reality works, with or without book-like support<br>- Virtual reality works…<br>A lot of content to look forward to!</p>\r\n<p>For more information, take a look at the first season's <a href=\"\">recap</a>!</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>September 5, 2022<br>\r\nCorpus, the livestream show hosted by Emmanuelle Lescouet on the Chair's <a href=\"\">Twitch channel</a>, is back for a second season on September 5, 2022, live every Monday from 10 a.",
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      "legacy_slug": "Corpus-Season-two",
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      "slug": "alliance-of-digital-humanities-organizations-annual-conference",
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      "id": 1492,
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      "title": "Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Annual Conference",
      "content_html": "<p>July 26, 2022, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (EST)<br>Workshop \"Scholarly Writing and Editing With the Text Editor Stylo\"<br>Hosted by Roch Delannay and Antoine Fauchié</p>\r\n<p>July 27, 2022, 8:30 p.m. (EST)<br>Short presentation \"States of the Text: Fixation, Legitimation and Multimodal Publication\"<br>Presented by Antoine Fauchié</p>\r\n<p>July 28, 2022<br>Electronic Poster \"'Répertoire des écritures numériques': Archiving and Qualifying Electronic Literature\"<br>Presented by Emmnauelle Lescouet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati<br>Electronic Poster \"Electronic Literature: Thinking a Taxonomy\"<br>Presented by Emmanuelle Lescouet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati</p>\r\n<p>July 29, 2022, 8:30 p.m. (EST)<br>Short presentation \"Between Interactive Fictions and Visual Novels: Diversity of Agency in Videoludic Novels\"<br>Presented by Emmanuelle Lescouet and Pierre Gabriel Dumoulin</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>July 25-29, 2022<br>\r\nThe annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations will take place from July 25 to 29, 2022 both online and in person. The Chair's team will be giving and hosting multiple talks and workshops. To obtai",
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      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Alliance-of-Digital-Humanities-Organizations-Annual-Conference",
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      "slug": "interactions-multimodales-par-ecran-impec-conference-2022",
      "date_start": "2022-07-04",
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      "id": 1488,
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      "title": "Interactions multimodales par écran (IMPEC) Conference 2022",
      "content_html": "<p>In our digital lands, largely occupied and governed by the GAFAM, the optimism that prevailed in Barlow's Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace now seems far away, as AffordanceInfo recently noted. Is it still possible to imagine digital environments as free, plural, public spaces? By what actions can we \"humanists\" take ownership of digital spaces and make them livable, shared and open places?</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>July 7, 2022<br>\r\nOn July 7, 2022 at 3:30 a.m. (EST), or 9:30 a.m. (CET), Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a lecture titled \"Espaces publics et jardins partagés : les collectifs à l'ère des GAFAM\" (Public Spaces and Shared Gardens: Collectives in the",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Interactions-multimodales-par-ecran-IMPEC-Conference-twozerotwotwo",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "8supth-sup-document-numerique-et-societe-conference",
      "date_start": "2022-06-20",
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      "id": 1484,
      "events_id": 742,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "8<sup>th</sup> Document numérique et société Conference",
      "content_html": "<p>In this talk, I wish to present an ongoing reflection on the epistemological impact of the saying \"little hands\" in the field of digital edition. This reflection is based on my experience as coordinator of the humanities journal <i>Sens public</i> and my involvement in the project Revue3.0 (Journal3.0) led by the Canada Research Chair on Digital Textualities.</p> ",
      "links": [
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      "description": "<h2>June 23, 2022<br>\r\nOn June 23 2022, Margot Mellet gives a talk titled \"Design des petites mains : réflexions pour des environnements éditoriaux équitables, pluriels et inclusifs\" (Design From Little Hands: Reflections On Fair, Plural and Inclusiv",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "eightsupthsup-Document-numerique-et-societe-Conference",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "corpus-liveshow-12-hour-streaming-boosting-of-the-repository-of-digital-writings",
      "date_start": "2022-05-27",
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      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1486,
      "events_id": 743,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Corpus Liveshow 12-Hour Streaming: Boosting of the Repository of Digital Writings",
      "content_html": "<p>Hello to all,\r\nAt the beginning of the summer semester, we invite you to a festive online day to celebrate the new version of the Repository as well as its corpus!</p>\r\n<p>The Repository of Digital Writings ( has been referencing works since 2018, focusing on atypical objects, on a broad and inclusive corpus of contemporary practices, without barriers of language or provenance of works. In 2021, the project got a facelift: the establishment of a common vocabulary within LQM (Littérature québécoise mobile) allowed us to refine our records. It is now crucial to continue this work!</p>\r\n<p>Throughout the year, live broadcasts have allowed us to discover works and begin archiving work.</p>\r\n<p>Now it's time to get the ball rolling, and invite you to join us for the first corpus exploration hackathon day on the repertoire's TWITCH channel: .\r\nOn June 24, starting at 8 a.m. Montreal time (2 p.m. French time), you are all invited to share works: unseen, or already explored parts of the corpora!</p>.\r\n<p>All forms - however born digital - are welcome: audio or video literature, from networks, blogs, sites, apps or digital books, visual novels and interactive fictions, in virtual reality or augmented reality, by projection or on screen.</p>\r\n<p>This hopefully dramatic increase in the corpus will make the data visualizations and study enabled by the Directory even more valuable.</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you soon!\r\nEmmanuelle Lescouet\r\nfor the CRCEN's Directory of Digital Writing</p>",
      "links": [
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      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>June 24, 2022<br>\r\nOn June 24, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EST), Emmanuelle Lescouet will host a special live episode of <a href=\"\">Corpus</a>, during which everyone is invited to submit digital texts and",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Corpus-Liveshow-onetwo-Hour-Streaming-Boosting-of-the-Repository-of-Digital-Writings",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "canadian-comparative-literature-association-annual-congress",
      "date_start": "2022-05-24",
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      "id": 1478,
      "events_id": 739,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Canadian Comparative Literature Association Annual Congress",
      "content_html": "<p>June 22, 2022<br>Workshop \"Inscription Practices/Play\"<br>Presented by Antoine Fauchié, Margot Mellet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati at 4 p.m. (EST)<br>We propose a playful exploration of the possibilities offered by Zotero reference libraries. In this workshop, we want to build a Zotero library as a collaborative space for interaction and discussion of the references within it to display the links between research and researchers. By clicking on the library link created for the workshop, participants will be able to participate in the shared library by adding references, structuring existing information, sharing their reading experiences in notes, etc. In order to play with our research data, we will fetch this library and produce, using Python, visualisations of the information and links that compose it to show that our references refer to much more than articles or books, and that they participate in a real knowledge network.</p>\r\n<p>June 23, 2022<br>Workshop \"Inscription Reflections\"<br>Facilitated by Antoine Fauchié, Margot Mellet and Marcello Vitali-Rosati at 3:30 p.m. (EST)</p>",
      "links": [
          "label": "Congress Program",
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      "feature_image": null,
      "description": "<h2>June 22-23, 2022</h2>\r\nFrom June 21 to 24, 2022, the annual congress of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association will take place on <a href=\"\">Zoom</a>. The theme, ",
      "location": null,
      "legacy_image": "",
      "legacy_slug": "Canadian-Comparative-Literature-Association-Annual-Congress",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "conference-la-connaissance-intranquille-intranquil-knowledge",
      "date_start": "2022-05-24",
      "date_end": null,
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      "event_type": null,
      "id": 1476,
      "events_id": 738,
      "languages_code": "en",
      "title": "Conference \"La connaissance intranquille\" (Intranquil Knowledge)",
      "content_html": "<p>While many digital creations or editions are posed in mimicry in relation to the paper medium (recreating the format of an A4 page, the structure of a content in pages, etc.), the digital can be invested as a space where to renegotiate the characteristics of what is a text and what makes literature. The architecture of this medium (between hybridity, strata of writing, modularity of inscriptions that seem to be infinitely erasable and reinscribable), but also the lack of knowledge we may have of how it works dispossess us in a way of the text in the digital.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Between what is shown to us on the screen, the Web rendering, and what concretely constitutes this text, its technical backstage, lies a world of tranquility. Thinking about text on the screen requires awareness of its digital materiality -- and in particular of the format that determines it (DOCX, PDF, TXT or other) -- but also of the fundamental unbinding between text and media. My screen may be broken, my keyboard may be broken, my battery may be dead, my text will not be affected *to the letter*; however, a crash, a bug or a hack of my file will corrupt its words without my screen, my keyboard or my machine being affected. The health of the text is actually beyond its reading or writing interface, it depends on the format that decides its accessibility. However, I am not the author of this format. My digital writing machine does not make me the owner of the text I write on its interface. Conversely, I don't need to be Bill Gates or Paul Allen to write my text in DOCX. To claim ownership of the latter, however, I would have to usurp their identities. Where then to locate our relationship of intimacy to the text?</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Going beyond the rendering on the screen, into the illegibility of the digital text (in the encoding languages), into this intermediate space between human and machine, going to meet the intranquillity of the digital text, is a process of research as much as it is of creating a literary intimacy. In this paper, I wish to deepen this idea of an intranquil knowledge in the experience of an intimacy with the digital text.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>June 3, 2022</h2>\r\nOn June 3, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. (EST), Margot Mellet gives a lecture titled \"Le savoir intranquille du texte numérique : restituer une intimité avec son texte à l'écran\" (The Un-Tranquil Knowledge of the Digital Text: Restituting",
      "location": null,
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      "legacy_slug": "Conference-La-connaissance-intranquille-Intranquil-Knowledge",
      "legacy_location": null
      "slug": "roundtable-presents-de-la-science-fiction-evolution-et-diversification-du-genre-a-l-epoque-contemporaine-presents-of-science-fiction-evolution-and-diversification-of-the-genre-in-the-contemporary-era",
      "date_start": "2022-05-23",
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      "id": 1474,
      "events_id": 737,
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      "title": "Roundtable \"Présent(s) de la science-fiction : évolution et diversification du genre à l'époque contemporaine\" (Present[s] of Science Fiction: Evolution and Diversification of the Genre in the Contemporary Era)",
      "content_html": "<p>Science fiction envisions possible futures, so it is only natural that it also questions the linguistic evolutions of these possible worlds. If we can view societal and linguistic developments as extensions and inter-dynamic systems, it becomes clear that linguistics can hold a fundamental place in SF writing (Landragin 2018, 2020).</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Linguistic issues already agitate our news and ways of relating to one another. The last few years have seen the expansion of inclusive writing and the visibility of questions about gender in the language, particularly in French: how can we not be in a sexist relationship if even the nominations imply that the feminine does not exist</p>\r\n\r\n<p>What if this relationship were reversed? If society were sexist... the other way around?\r\nThis is the premise of Elisabeth Vonarburg's novel <i>Chroniques du pays des mères</i>, through which I would like to explore how linguistics can be a universe-building tool, a full-fledged \"show don't tell\" of literature. The expression of both the characters and the narrators, and what it induces, will shed light on a way of telling and representing a global society, a mirror of our own, unable to think outside its system of enunciation.</p>.\r\n\r\n<p>The reader then perceives the universe no longer solely through their own linguistic system, but by measuring the gap between this used language (yet, here, it is indeed normative French, without even Quebecisms) adapted to the reality of this other society. Since language is at the heart of the construction of both the myths and the historical representation of this society as seen by itself, it is necessary to understand its possible evolutions and its uses in order to grasp its narrative functions as a tool for the construction and consolidation of a second world.</p>",
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      "description": "<h2>May 20, 2022</h2>\r\nOn May 20, 2022 at 9:45 a.m. (EST), Emmanuelle Lescouet will give a talk titled \"Concevoir le futur, concevoir la langue\" (Conceiving the Future, Conceiving Language) at the roundtable organised by the University Aix-Marseille.",
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      "legacy_slug": "Roundtable-Presents-de-la-science-fiction--evolution-et-diversification-du-genre-a-lepoque-contemporaine-Presents-of-Science-Fiction-Evolution-and-Diversification-of-the-Genre-in-the-Contemporary-Era",
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      "description": "<h2>May 23, 2022</h2>\r\nOn May 23, 2022 at 10 a.m. (EST), Marcello Vitali-Rosati gives a lecture titled \"Technical Thinking: the 'Greek Anthology Project' between Epistemological Choices and Code\" at the 5<sup>th</sup> ENCODE Project Conference, which",
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